Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2017

Another month has passed, so it’s that time once more! Here’s my monthly wrap-up for September.

I read four books this month, which hasn’t been up to my usual standard. However, I started back at work after a six week break, and I went on the residential, so there wasn’t a lot of time for reading after being so tired! I’ve now nearly completed my Goodreads challenge having now read 49 books out of a target of 50, making me 12 books ahead of schedule.

Without further ado, let’s see what books I read this month:


Rooftoppers ~ Katherine Rundell – 3/5 stars

The Witch of Salt & Storm ~ Kendall Kulper – 3/5 stars

Tower of Dawn ~ Sarah J. Maas –  4.5/5 stars

The Empty Grave ~ Jonathan Stroud – 5/5 stars


I would say that was quite a good month.

With Rooftoppers, it was a delightful book to read. If I was the target age range, I probably would have rated the book higher, especially with the idea of children being able to run across the roof tops of Paris, which has a mystic and freeing quality to it with some quirky characters. It’s definitely one that should be gracing the shelves of school libraries.

Tower of Dawn was a rather beefy book, taking me nearly 2 weeks to get through. I really missed Chaol from Empire of Storms, and is probably my favourite character from the series, so I was so happy when it was announced his was getting his own book (although, if I remember correctly, it was announced as a novella, which this definitely isn’t!). I liked the new characters and the new places and creatures introduced. I was never bored reading this, despite the time it took to read, and am looking forward to the next book when Chaol and the others are reunited with those in Empire of Storms.

The Empty Grave, much to my disappointment, is the last in the Lockwood & Co series. However, this book did not disappoint. The questions from the series are answered through this fast paced story, and characters that I didn’t particularly like at the start of the series, I now have a soft spot for. There were a couple of times where I wanted to throw this book at a wall – which for me is the sign of a great book! The ending was quite open ended, but it was a satisfying one. Although, I won’t be complaining if Stroud does decide to write another book in this series – in fact it would be pre-ordered pretty quickly! Admittedly, I was going to read this as a spooky read for October, but in the end, I decided that I couldn’t wait!

So that’s September! October is normally the time for spooky reads, but I don’t seem to have any on my shelf, so if you could recommend me anyway, especially a good ghost story, it would be more than welcome!

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