New Year Goal – Read More!

When it comes to resolutions, I generally make a list and spend the rest of the year beating myself up for not achieving them or achieving marginally. NOT QUITE UP TO PAR.

Well NOT this year. I have more modest expectations. I’ll write them down as they come, so far I have only one.

READ MORE. (Keep track, write a review).

So far, I’ve finished Lee Child’s, “The Midnight Line” and Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris’s, “The Lost Words”.

Two completely different books. If you haven’t read Lee Child before, start with an earlier book. If you’re a Reacher fan, wait for the next one.

As for “The Lost Words”, it’s a beautiful book in every way. Meant to put the magic back into language of nature, it does so, beautifully.

It’s a children’s book, and I loved it. Not as much as “Wind in the Willows”, but more than “Charlotte’s Web”, which sits on my desk. Well worth the read. Written in response to words like ACORN, OTTER, LARK, and BLUEBELL being struck from children’s dictionaries.

I’m currently reading “Benjamin Franklin, an American Life” by Walter Isaacson, which about 1/8 in is enlightening and well written – we’ll see how it finishes.

I’m only a few pages into, “Magpie Murders” by Anthony Horowitz. Can’t really say much besides I’m intrigued, confused, and hooked. I’m thinking I’m going to love it.

I’m re-watching all of the “Inspector Lewis” episodes from Masterpiece Mystery – so well written and acted.

I’m loving the new TV show, “Lethal Weapon” as well. It’s funny. Sometimes poignant. Always entertaining. If you haven’t seen Season One – do – the arc is so satisfying.

Simple things on my list for this New Year. READ MORE, TAKE NOTE OF GREAT STORIES, written or on the screen, WRITE A REVIEW. Adding one more, TRY TO EMULATE WHAT I ENJOY.

What are you reading or watching?

What keeps you reading or watching?

Happy New Year – May great stories find you.


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