New Year = New You

Excuse the giant coat it was freezing (as the snow shows)

So it if officially 2018! I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating last night but now as the last of the alcohol wears off and the hangover sets in, the time for realising that your new years resolutions means you might actually have to do something.

Don’t get me wrong its great to make them, but sticking with them in another matter. Plus the gym on a hangover sucks and most people have probably already ruined in with a late night takeaway or hungover McDonalds.

For me I went shopping on the 31st and filled my fridge with healthy food, so there is literally no way to eat processed unhealthy food (unless you count the christmas chocolate but bear with me here).

Yes I woke up with a hangover (yes it did suck), but I still got up, made my bed and got on with my day. Today is the day the new me starts (yes that is very cliche but 2018 is a good starting point).

I decided that before the gym before the pushing myself to the limit I want to get myself into the healthy mindset, which I think is something we all need to do if we are facing the next 365 days as a stepping stone to a healthy life.

I decluttered my room, cleaned and sorted out everything! It made me feel so much better (not just because of the mess from stumbling in at 3am), it helped me to physically make a move to get rid of things from 2017 that I no longer need a want in my life.

One of the few habits I want to start to positivity in my life, no more comparing myself to photoshopped models or those who are further along than me or just anyone else, it just breeds negativity in our lives, which gets us nowhere.

Sometimes little habits can make a huge change, maybe these things are more realistic resolutions to help achieve a new you rather than getting up a running every morning (to be honest its the UK & it rains). They set you up to help you move and grow through this year.

So it is brilliant to do the new year and new you, but sometimes it is better to take a deep breath and set yourself up for the new year new you by small changes. Yes it might mean not going full steam ahead into a packed out gym but it’s something we need to do in order to make the ‘resolutions’ last the whole year rather than fizzle  out within a few weeks.

Maybe try changing one thing a month to help make you the new year, it takes just 40 days for something to become a habit – thats all it takes, so stick with it a small things for a month and then add another etc and before you know it your life will be unrecognisable, rather than that gym membership that is gathering dust.

So happy 2018, just remember that 2018 resolutions so can be a fantastic start for us all, but they don’t need to be huge dramatic gestures but small steps to improve yourself.

That is how great things start one step at a time, so take your one step, decluttering, journalling or even just making your bed. They all add up to make something brilliant a new you.

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