October 19, 2017 – Sonny Reads the Note, Baby Monroe is Baptized & Some Pups

What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Lulu and Dante have dinner at the MetroCourt. Laura walks in and tells them to get a room. She says she may be joining the ranks of the married soon. She’s all dressed up in case someone proposes.

Deanna tells Griff that Mr. Kimbal needs a priest, and the chaplain isn’t available. Griff says he can speak to him as a doctor, but he’s not a priest anymore. Deanna says he’ll wait. Doc overhears.

Ava tells Sonny if he sends her away, he’ll miss something important. He says he doesn’t want anything from her, and never will. He asks who the note is from.

Patient 6 sees Elizabeth in the park with Jake. He says Jake’s name, and apparently Jake has supersonic ears, because he hears it.

Betsy tells Franco that it’s a miracle Andrew survived. Franco asks what caused the fall, and Betsy says he did. He asks if she saw him push Andrew, but she says there was no one else there, and no other explanation. He wants to know if she thinks he pushed Andrew on purpose.

Jason meets Elizabeth and Jake. Jake tells him about their trip to the farm, and that he won the pumpkin carving contest.

Laura tells Lulu that Ava recanting her testimony had a huge ripple effect. She was down, and Doc blurted out a proposal. Lulu thinks they’re well-suited to one another. Laura thinks so too, but says she turned him down. She wants it to be a happy moment, with no associations to Ava or Valentin. She loves Doc, but doesn’t want a pity proposal. He accepted her challenge, and is going to do it again, but on his terms. She thinks maybe he’ll drop a ring into her drink tonight.

Doc apologizes to Griff if he’s overstepping – it’s an occupational hazard – but he eavesdropped overheard Griff. Griff says he’s leaving the priesthood. Doc says it must have been a difficult decision, and that it’s natural to be conflicted. Griff says that’s been his state for longer than he cares to admit, but thinks it’s the right thing to do. Doc says he sounds heartfelt and logical, but doesn’t seem like a man at peace.

Sonny tells Ava to show him the note or get out. She asks if she can see Avery in exchange. He says he heard she crashed the memorial, and if she doesn’t get it by now, she’s not welcome around his family. She tells him that she’s still Avery’s mother, even if she doesn’t get time with her. She asks Sonny to please not turn Avery against her. He says he won’t have to. Once she’s old enough to understand, she’ll know who Ava is and what she’s done. Ava tells him that she’s capable of doing the right thing, and gives him the note. He asks who gave it to her.

Jason says Jake seems distracted, and Jake tells him that someone said his name. Elizabeth says she didn’t hear anything. Jason says he’ll take a look. Patient 6 remembers asking Elizabeth about donating Jake’s kidney to Josslyn, and her slapping him. She says he walked away and never looked back, and they’re the ones with the hole in their lives. In the present, Jake leaves to get hot chocolate.

Betsy wants to let the past stay where it belongs, but Franco needs to know. She says she found Andrew at the bottom of the steps, and Franco staring down from the top. Neither one of them wanted to talk about it; they were both traumatized. Franco says something about him made her think he did it. She says she didn’t think it was intentional; they were just playing. Franco says there was something wrong with him that she thought he could do something like that. Why send Andrew away? Betsy tells him she thought Andrew would be okay, and Franco needed her more. She wanted to protect him. He asks where she sent Andrew.

Laura tells Lulu it’s just speculation. Lulu accuses her of playing games, but she says she’s just being romantic. Dante says it takes a lot of courage to propose – he’s just sayin’. Lulu thinks she should just say yes, and get on with her happily ever after. Dante adds that Spencer could use some good news. Laura says maybe they’re right, and the game will end tonight.

Doc tells Griff that it’s tough juggling matters of both heaven and earth. He has enough problems just dealing with terra firma. Griff says he enjoys helping people, and the time came to make a decision, but the future isn’t looking so clear. Doc says Griff’s future will be whatever he makes it, and thinks he’ll succeed with whatever he chooses. He tells Griff that his door is always open. He can’t give Griff spiritual advice, but he’s a good listener. Griff thanks him, but says he has to figure some things out for himself.

Ava tells Sonny that she met the man who wrote the note in Russia. They were in the same clinic, and she helped him escape. Sonny balks at some stranger showing up in Port Charles and giving her a note for him. She says for what it’s worth, he doesn’t seem to mean any harm. Sonny asks what he looks like, but Ava says she’s out of good deeds for the day.

Betsy hated giving Andrew up, but there was something about him, as if he could survive anything. Franco says, except him, and asks where she took him. She says it was a foundling hospital outside of Port Charles. She rang the bell and told him to stay put, someone would come out and take good care of him. He didn’t cry or try to follow her. He nodded like he understood what she was saying. (Ha-ha! I have a mental picture of a toddler with Steve Burton‘s face.) She watched from a distance as someone took him inside. She never went back, thinking it was better that way. Franco says, yeah, this is so much better. He’s so screwed up. His whole life he thought there was another person out there who was his brother, and he was capable of killing him. Now she’s telling him it’s real. Jason’s twin is alive, but Jason and Andrew don’t know one another exist.

Patient 6 watches Elizabeth and Jason. Jason says the pumpkin is impressive. Elizabeth says that Jake is artistically gifted, and he’s luck to be surrounded by successful men – a world-renowned artist and a media mogul. She asks when he was going to tell her; it’s all over social media. He asks if Franco knows, and she says probably, if he looked at the news. Jason wonders what it was they were going to tell him the other day. Nice deflection.

Ava comes home, saying she delivered the message. Sonny was an ass, but what did she expect? She realizes Patient 6 is gone.

Doc arrives at the MetroCourt. Laura says she crashed Lulu and Dante’s date. Dante invites Doc to join them, and he says just for one drink. He and Dante go to the bar, and Laura tells Lulu to be ready with her camera just in case.

Doc tells Dante that he just wants a quiet dinner. Dante suggests he and Lulu have a drink and the bar. Doc tells Laura he thinks they want to be alone, and they find a table. He says he doesn’t need a menu. He knows exactly what he wants. He’s never been more sure.

Ava finds a note from Patient 6, thanking her and saying he won’t forget it. She says, you’re welcome, wherever you are. There’s a knock at her door. It’s Griff.

Elizabeth tells Jason she can’t think of anything, and he says it sounded like it was more important than a permission slip. It seemed like she was waiting for Franco to tell him something. Like maybe why he visited Jason when he was in a coma. Elizabeth says Franco is unpredictable, but Jason says she isn’t. She’s not telling him the truth about something he needs to know. Jake comes back, insisting he saw someone. Jason goes to take a look.

Sonny reads the note. It asks him to meet where Stone’s ashes were scattered, and to come alone, like when he lent him forty dollars for a cab at Luke’s. He says this isn’t just anybody; only he and Jason know where that is.

Jason tells Jake that he didn’t see anyone, but Jake insists there was a man there when he was coming back with the hot chocolate. He says the man wasn’t scary; he made Jake feel safe. Jason asks how, but he doesn’t know. Jason’s phone rings. Sonny wants to see him, and asks if he can come by the house.

Griff asks if he can come in, and Ava says she can’t decide. He says he deserves that. She invites him in and asks if he wants a martini. He doesn’t, and she says he must not want to repeat his last mistake. He insists it wasn’t a mistake for him. She says they were just two lonely people looking for comfort; the irredeemable sinner and the would-be saint, crippled with Catholic guilt. She tells him that she accepts the vow he ardently clings to, and he says not anymore.

Jason tells Elizabeth that Sonny needs to see him. Franco arrives, and Jason leaves. Jake goes to play with some friends, and Elizabeth hands Franco an empty cup. She tells him about Jake winning the contest. He says Jake is a good kid, and she says he learned from Franco. She says that she and Jason are working on not creating tension in front of Jake, but Jason was asking about what they wanted to tell him. He didn’t buy the permission slip story. She doesn’t think he’s going to drop it. Franco says they can’t tell him what isn’t true.

Sonny flashes back to a time when we were all babies, and giving Patient 6/Jason the forty dollars. Patient 6 flashes back to the same thing as he waits on the footbridge.

Dante wants to leave, but Lulu says she has to be ready with her camera. Laura says that Doc isn’t eating, and asks if there’s something on his mind. He tells her that he has a colleague with personal issues, and she asks if they involve another person. He tells her it involves life-changing ramifications, and she asks what he thinks the colleague should do. Doc gets up. Lulu gets ready. Doc reties his shoe. He looks around, seeing Lulu, and asks if something’s wrong. Laura says, how could he?

Ava asks Griff what happened? When they last saw each other, he didn’t know what he was going to do. He says he honestly didn’t. He went to where he’s found solace and clarity – church. He prayed, knowing that when he left, he’d have an answer. He prayed with love and gratitude, wanting to serve God no matter what his decision. By the time he spoke with Father Cory, he was clear in his choice. He’s leaving the priesthood. Ava asks what this means.

Jason goes to Sonny’s place, and Sonny shows him the note. They talk about the footbridge and Sonny lending him the forty bucks. Sonny says Ava claims someone gave her the note, a stranger she met at a clinic in Russia. He’d also gotten a call on private line, and it was traced to the clinic. Jason thinks it’s a trap, a set up. Sonny says that’s what he thought, but he’s got to meet him for himself.

Franco tells Elizabeth that he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something he wasn’t being told. He couldn’t find Andrew’s death certificate, and it made things worse. She asks why he didn’t tell her, and he says he wanted to, but his mind is the last place he wants her to be near. He saw his father, but all roads lead to his mom. She said she didn’t want to tell him, but now he knows the whole unvarnished truth. Elizabeth says, again? He says Betsy lied to cover what happened.

Doc wishes Lulu had snapped a picture while he was tying his shoe; the look on Laura’s face was priceless. She said she deserves it; she asked to be surprised. He says she asked to be swept off her feet, and he said he’d keep her in suspense. She says she didn’t ask to be made a fool of, and he says she did that herself. No one else knew about it. She wanted him to be spontaneous and unpredictable. She wanted a grand gesture. Did she think the best he could come up with was a restaurant? She laughs. She wants to be mad, but can’t. He says she’ll never see it coming, but it will be worth it.

Griff tells Ava that he asked to be relieved of his duties and responsibilities. She says it sounds like he’s divorcing the church. He says that he still wants to serve God; he just can’t perform holy sacraments, and he won’t be Father anymore, just Doctor. She asks if he’s okay with that. He says it’s who he is. He fought it, but can’t deny the truth. The priesthood wasn’t the right choice. She’s happy for him, if he’s at peace, but she wasn’t just asking what it means to leave the priesthood. She was asking what it means for them.

Franco tells Elizabeth he’s sorry. He knows it’s frustrating. Betsy keeps changing the story, and he doesn’t think they’ll ever really know the truth. It’s better to drop the whole thing. She asks what about Jason, and he asks why they care what he thinks. He wants to leave it dead and buried. She asks what he’s afraid of, and he says that he’s sick of everyone jerking him around. He’s going to believe that Jason never had a twin, and there’s no relation with the photo. Good thing they didn’t tell him.

Jason insists Ava is setting Sonny up. Sonny says even if she knew about the footbridge, there’s no way she could have known about Luke’s. He and Jason are the only ones. Jason says if the information didn’t come from Ava or him, who did it come from?

Patient 6 waits at the footbridge.

Tomorrow, Nathan thinks the blog should be shut down, Griff wants to kiss Ava, and Maxie wants a favor from Sam.