Passion, The Gospel, and Me


If I’m honest, cynicism slithers it way through the crevices of my mind. It’s all the faces I see in the pictures, really. They’re feeling it…you know…the mountain top experience.

They didn’t talk about the valleys when I went. They didn’t talk about all the ways of suffering for the gospel.

I just felt inspired to…lead worship and become an imitator of Tomlin.

Passion does a lot of good things and not just for those filling the venue but for those in need in the world. So, know that the cynicism is not, fundamentally, their problem…it’s mine.

I’m pretty passionate as well about the gospel and it being proclaimed in sound doctrine. I believe to be grounded in the gospel produces pretty amazing things as well. Not only for the benefit of others but also for my own heart. Yet, I also believe the way the gospel is forged within us is through trials ( see James 1 ). So when I see young college students getting “fired up” for Jesus, I wonder whether if what they are being taught is really preparing them or not. I also begin to question the motives of various speakers booked. Yet, biblically what am I to do with these mixed emotions?


It’s true that’s what I’m supposed to do with this biblically. I took a while and meditated on Philippians 1:15-18 when my heart was struggling. Here is a pic of my study:

I won’t go into detail about all the bracketing but, basically, it’s a breakdown of Paul’s logic. The Scripture on the left is the NASB while the column on the right is my own words. It’s not my own logic though. It is Paul’s.

His main point here is that really no matter how the gospel is going out, I need to be happy it’s going out.

**I don’t think Paul is unconcerned about what is being preached because it is clearly evident that Paul will go off on you if you preach a gospel different than what he preached. I just want to be clear. Context rules that out in the meta narrative.**

Still, if I’m unhappy that the gospel is going out and it’s giving more attention to others. Or, there is nothing inherently wrong but it’s just not done the way I think it should. The problem is most likely something going on in my own heart that needs to be checked.

I truly don’t know the true motives in the hearts of the speakers at Passion. It’s not necessarily the way I think ministry is most effective. God forbid, though, that my bad attitude get in the way of the gospel going forth. Instead, I’m going to rejoice.

What are your thoughts towards Passion? Has the Philippians passage given you any new revelation? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you want to know more about the gospel, I suggest this short and sweet read: What Is the Gospel?

Featured Image Photo Credit: Edward Cisnero on Unsplash

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