Pasta Pinot & Murder: A Food & Wine Cozy Mystery (Willa Friday, Book 1)

Author: Jamie Lee Scott

Series: Willa Friday

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Publisher: LBB Company

Pages: 173


Willa Friday is owner and food blogger for “A Dish in Thyme”, and a food photographer. She, along with her ex-husband and their daughter, live on the vineyard owned by her ex-mother-in-law. She also rents her work space from her. Willa has just hired a new assistant to replace her daughter, who is leaving for college, and has begun training him when she is reminded that she is to meet the owner of another vineyard to get the details for an event that she is to do photography for. When she arrives at the vineyard, however, she finds the owner dead and her ex-mother-in-law the main suspect in the murder. Willa becomes involved in the investigation, and finds out more information about the local vineyard owners than she bargained for, putting her in the crosshairs.

This was a fun, quick read. The characters were all well developed, with room to develop them even further without it seeming forced. There was a good plot and storyline, that didn’t seem stale, as it can sometime seem with cozies. It’s peppered throughout with recipes, and food and wine pairings (looking forward to trying some of those!). This was definitely something original, which I always enjoy. There was a lot of fun snark and wit in the dialogue. If you have read Scott’s other work, you can hear her voice in this book, but there is no doubt that this is much lighter fare compared to her Gotcha series. I would have to day that this first installment, in what is set to be a new series, is a success.



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