Recipe: Bittermelon & egg

Age is a strange and terrible thing. As a child I used to hate bitter melon and would never touch it if it were on the table. Despite the fact it’s quite common at Asian grocers and my parents subscribe to the belief of its health benefits.

I remember once I was at camp. It must’ve been an Asian camp. We had to go around in a circle and say what food item we hated most. One person said bitter gourd. And because we were all unimaginative sheep, probably 90% of people also said bitter gourd, myself included. Not that I knew what a gourd is, I hadn’t associated it with bitter melon at the time.

But here we are, older, wiser, eating bitter melon.

 The trick is to slice very thinly and scrub with salt to minimize the bitterness. Although I eat it it’s still not my favourite flavour.


  • 2 bitter melon
  • 3 egg
  • to taste salt
  • to taste pepper


  • Wash and dry the bitter melon then split in half. 
  • Scoop out the white pith. As much as you can. The key is to make sure the bitter melon is slice very thin. 
  • Scrub the slices with salt and let it sit for at least 60min. Rinse & dry.
  • Heat oil in a pan, fry eggs first. Set aside.
  • Stir fry bitter melon for 2 minutes until cooked, add the eggs.
  • Serve.

    Scooped pith: Before & After Very thin slices Eggs. You want to see that cloud – HOT OIL All together now Advertisements Share this:
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