“Imagines” by N.R. Walker

Jack Brighton and Lawson Gale have been together for six months and are very much in love. Lawson’s work ensuring the survival of the Tillman Copper is as demanding as ever, and Jack’s work with the regeneration of the bushfire-ravaged national park is just as hectic.

When Jack suggests they take a short trip, Lawson agrees. But then he is offered a two-week research position in tropical Queensland to help determine why the Ulysses butterfly is on the decline. Figuring they could combine work and pleasure, Jack and Lawson go on their first vacation together.

Working alongside renowned professor Piers Bonfils isn’t easy. But personal and professional differences aside, Lawson is offered a more permanent role in Queensland. Torn between his new life in Tasmania with Jack and a dying species of butterfly he feels compelled to save, Lawson has to decide where his fate lies.

But fate changes the rules. On a research expedition into the depths of the rainforest, suddenly it’s not only the butterflies’ existence that hangs in the balance.

A butterfly’s life cycle never changes. From larvae to imago, their course is plotted by design. Jack and Lawson need to determine where they stand, if they live through it. Because the only thing more incredible than one imago is two.

Well, first things first. Something or more precisely someone tried to taint this story. And that infuriates me. Because this is a beautiful story and it deserves to shine without any blemishes. To the person that took advantage of the trust placed in bloggers…you suck! As they say, it only takes one person and this time it was you. I hope that sits on your conscious. Okay, now that I have that off my chest, let’s move on….

If you’ve read Imago then you know what to expect with this sequel. It’s the same goodness we are blessed with in the first book. If you haven’t met our quirky lepidopterist and his favorite guy, you’re missing out on lots of warm fuzzies. Sometimes I need to take book refuge and seek comfort in the pages of an author I trust. I trust Walker to take good care of me when I escape into my literary world. *hugs* Thank you for allowing me a safe haven when I need it.

This sequel contains butterflies, bowties and the blending of two beautiful hearts. Are you ready?

I’m happy to say we are whisked back into an outdoor adventure…in the rainforest. The guys have been happily together for half a year and still seem to be tackling some final ‘firsts’ together. This is their first holiday as a couple and of course, it’s bound to have some heart pumping excitement.  It’s not all romantic dinners and tender kisses this time around. Jack almost loses Lawson and I admit I was chewing my fingernails for a couple of pages. Lawson is trying to help save an endangered species and I was rooting for him the whole time.

Jack and Lawson are simply adorable together. I loved witnessing how they love each other. Jack is extremely protective of his scientist but my heart melted when Lawson returned the tender gestures. Their connection, their bond, their…love is what makes this story so amazing. I hope their adventures are not over, for I am not finished with them. The epilogue was absolute perfection. So. Much. Goodness.

Easy flow, low angst and downright book comfort. If you need your heart torn into pieces, look elsewhere.

Outdoor adventure lovers will certainly appreciate this lovely tale, but you don’t have to hug on trees to enjoy it. It’s definitely a follow up from book one and shouldn’t be read as a stand-alone.

TITLE: Imagines (Imago #2)
AUTHOR: N.R. Walker
PUBLISHER: self-pub
LENGTH: 147 pages
RELEASE DATE: April 8, 2017
BUY LINKS: Amazon 

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