Review: Bereft by Jennifer For

Title: Bereft

Author: Jennifer Foor

Genre: Romance

Publication Year: 2015

Source: Arc was Given for an honest review

Rating: 2 Stars


We’d been married seven years, and for the most part, I thought we were happy. Little did I know my other half wasn’t. He’d been screwing around on me for the past six months. Now, on the verge of divorce, I’ve found myself in a conundrum. 

He’s half my age, with a body that won’t quit. I keep telling myself it’s payback, but who am I kidding? Instead of getting even, I’ve now made things irreparable. I have a choice to make, and it’s going to be a lot harder than I imagined.

 Give in to Temptation 

Fulfill your deepest Desires


 After seven years of marriage Rachel and Grayson have loss their spark. Rachel finds her husband cheating on her with the best friend of their daughter. She is devastated and decides she wants revenge and she starts cheating too.

I really tried to like and give this book a better valuation  but maybe this book is not really for me. I know that a married life is difficult but the decisions that both of the characters made are so immature.

First Grayson cheats on her wife and he would continue doing it  if she didn’t caught him. I know that sometimes people make mistakes but he cheating was for six months is not a simple accident as an one nightstand. Then the chapters that when are his POV, he doesn’t show any sign to be affected by the fact that he is cheating. Until he got caught is that he says that he loves his wife. 

On the other hand I understood that Rachel was devastated but pay cheating with other cheating is not the solution. She starts a cheating relationship with a younger guy. The story clearly says that both Rachel and Grayson enjoyed sex more with their cheating partners. 

 I finished the book and even the epilogue and the emotions and actions included doesn’t make any sense for me. Sorry for the author because the book if well written but the theme is not.

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