Review: Clockwise

Clockwise by Elle Strauss

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Casey Donovan has issues: hair, height and uncontrollable trips to the 19th century! And now this –she’s accidentally taken Nate Mackenzie, the cutest boy in the school, back in time.
Protocol pressures her to tell their 1860 hosts that he is her brother, and when Casey finds she has a handsome, wealthy (and unwanted) suitor, something changes in Nate. Are those romantic sparks or is it just “brotherly” protectiveness?
When they return to the present, things go back to the way they were before: Casey parked on the bottom of the rung of the social ladder and Nate perched high on the very top. Except this time her heart is broken. Plus, her best friend is mad, her parents are split up, and her younger brother gets escorted home by the police. The only thing that could make life worse is if, by some strange twist of fate, she took Nate back to the past again.
Which of course, she does

To be honest, the blurb for this book that is on GoodReads and other platforms practically gives the whole story away. There isn’t much left to be discovered when reading it. For this reason, I felt a bit let down by the story in general. There are a few bits that you wouldn’t expect but the majority is already listed.
I like the idea of a time travelling character, that was what drew me to the story in the first place. I also liked the fact that the character could take other people back with her, either on purpose or by accident.
I appreciate that the author would have had to have done some research in order to write the story due to having to cover different time periods. That was obvious in the story, everything seemed to be well planned and thought out.
I felt that the main character was very cliched amongst these type of YA stories. A not-very-popular girl, with lots of quirkiness (and I love quirkiness), has a crush on the most popular boy in school. So many other stories have this similar theme or start to them I am beginning to get a bit tired of it.
A solid 3/5 for me, but I’m not sure whether I will bother reading the other books in the series.

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