Review: MAN CARD by Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby

Man Card by Sarina Bowen & Tanya Eby
Series: Man Hands, book 2
Genre: romantic comedy
Publisher: Rennie Road Books
Publication Date: January 15, 2018
Rating: ★★★★★


Ash hates everything about Braht; his face, his cockiness and even his perfect body. She tries not to linger too much on the body thing but goddammit it is hard. She wants to punch his pretty face as much as she wants to make out with it. One sexy encounter in a pantry and she is undone. Getting that jerkface out of her mind seems entirely impossible now.

Braht has worked hard day and night to make Ash see that she is destined to be with him. Okay, mostly he works to raise her hackles but teasing her is all the fun. For some reason her hate makes him burn hotter and hotter. He has carefully laid plans to sex her up and then win her over. Only thing that could ruin it is his past.

I would just like to state for the record that Braht is my most favourite book boyfriend in the history of forever. HOW IS HE SO FREAKING GOOD? I couldn’t deal with him for 90% of the book because not only is he extraordinarily out of this World in the personality department he is also such a swoony mofo and just I want him to call me ‘honey bear’ all day everyday. *cries in distance*

Ash is my kinda girl. She loves a fight, never backs down and knows how to bust some balls. I adored her character and seriously everything that comes outta her mouth makes me cry with laughter. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect female lead. *heart eyes*

I just have one wish this year and it’s that Tanya Eby and Sarina Bowen NEVER stop writing together. They create swoon worthy magic that makes my heart feel like it’s in Disneyland on Mickey’s lap. ALL MY DREAMS COME TRUE WHEN I READ THEM!!!!

5 Stars!


Purchase MAN CARD today!

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Nothing ventured, nothing banged…

I still don’t know how it happened. One minute I was arguing with my arrogant competitor–our usual trash-talk over who deserves the larger commission. But somehow I went from throwing down to kneeling down…
It can never happen again. I don’t even like Braht. He’s too slick. He’s a manipulating mansplaining party boy in preppy clothes.
So why can’t I get him out of my head?

There are two things I know without question. One: Ash and I are destined for each other. Two: never trust a man with a unibrow.
Ash is my missing my piece. She’s the sweet cream to my gourmet espresso. And nothing gets me going faster than her contempt for me. They don’t call her the Ashkicker for nothing.
Eventually I’ll win her over…if my past doesn’t ruin everything first.-


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