Running Just As Fast As I Can

Have you ever had a song that pops into your head every day? Maybe not every day but every Monday through Friday?  It’s not the whole song just two of the lines “running just as fast as we can” (it’s always I instead of we and this is every day when I am walking out of the building) and “trying to get away into the night.” Tiffany was never my genre of music and yet this is the song that pops into my head at least ten times a day when I am at work. I mentioned at the beginning of the year that I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be here anymore and my subconscious tends to agree with me.

‘The girl just walked by and looked at the computer and said “running just as fast as you can? Can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!”  She went Shrek, while I went old song. We are not on the same page tonight….that kid.’

I sent an email to my realtor tonight and asked her to keep an eye out for a good rental. This house just feels temporary. I have lived in apartments that felt more like home than this house. It’s nice but I’m not supposed to be here either. I have meant to do that since the beginning of the year, I am such a procrastinator. Sometimes when you put things out there the Universe just drops it in your lap so I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

I went through my closet today and filled up my Thredup bag. I will bring it to work with me instead of leaving it on my doorstep. My mailman walks his route and at work I can carry it out to her little mail Grumman. I never knew that is what they were called until right this second.

I actually checked quite a few things off of my list tonight. The kids were at their dads so I didn’t have to mess with cooking dinner. I just popped in my book on CD and went to town. I really am enjoying this one. Speaking of this book….. There was a patient yesterday, a sweet little old black woman who I had a nice little conversation with when I checked her in. When she walked away from my window Force of Nature Girl asked “are you okay?” I looked at her kind of funny and said “yeeesss….why?” My office manager pops in with “because you sound like my sister in law.” “Did I just go Southern?” I asked. “Oh yeah” was the reply. It must be because I have been listening to this book. I only have one more disc to go, I’ve never had a book turn me southern before.

I think I am going to go to bed early tonight. I accomplished a lot and am always proud of myself when I make it to bed before 11pm……Zia

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