Sacrifices of Women

Woman’s happiness = the number of sacrifices she makes

The happiness of a woman has always been at the mercy of others, sometimes, it’s her father, brother, or husband. But, every time the life of a woman never ceases to fall prey to the illegitimate demand of the society.

This isn’t the reality of today’s world; rather, this system has seen them in our society since the ancient times. We have many examples from our majestic history that highlights the poor plight of women.

Well, I don’t mean to hamper any religious sentiments, neither am I here to propagate the idea of feminism. I am here to put forward the idea of having an equal world for both. I also want to question the world, “Why women are considered as an effigy of sacrifice and who asked for it?”

The status of women was no different even in the ancient time-

If you don’t believe in what I just said, I have a real example to quote here, we worship Goddess Sita and consider Lord Ram as Maryada Purushottam; but tell me whose sacrifices were more, who sacrificed the more?

Sita got married to Lord Rama and in a matter of few days, they were asked to go into exile. Sita could have agreed to stay back at her father’s place but she chose to stand by Sri Ram. Later, she was asked to prove her chastity and if that was not enough, she was left alone when she was on the verge of becoming a mother.

The society never questioned a man who left his wife, but it didn’t deter them to question the loyalty of a woman who sacrificed everything for her husband. This is not the story of sita; this is the story of every woman. At every stage of life, there is a sacrifice she makes. It is an irony, that sita got acclamation from society only after she left the world.

Whether it’s a rape victim or someone who refuses to move as per the protocol of the society, women’s life is always defined by the norms set by the society.

Yes, I agree that women have got, liberation and they have become independent, they get educated but all this is shackled. She is allowed to fly high in the sky but only till the limit either decided by her parents or later by her husband.

Why can’t we have an equal world for both, why is the happiness of every woman decided by the amount of sacrifice she makes? This crown of over-generosity that has been given to women was never asked by them.

It’s high time that women should start speaking for themselves. I totally agree that it takes the heart of a woman to forgive everything and move on, but sometimes, it should be the brain that should work and not the heart.

Freedom is not defined by gender, it is equally owned by both men and women.

Sourced through Sacrifices of Women

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