September Social Day

We had a very industrious get together this week, and everyone was super busy.  Let’s have a look at what some of us were up to.


Our new member Soyoun was eager to get started and learn how to make paper.  After a quick lesson the week before she prepared in advance by tearing up and soaking her cotton rag paper ready to recycle into brand new A3 sheets.  By the end of the day she had several plain and coloured sheets on the drying racks.


Brenda was working on the layout of a collaborative piece produced by members of her print group.  A beautiful range of printed butterflies – I think I can see moths and dragonflies in there as well.  Part of a future exhibition I suspect, so watch this site for details when available.

Michele and Jane

Michele brought her friend along and got to work showing her how to make A4 white paper.  It was going so well until we had an unexpected visitor and Jane decided to entice him back to freedom.  We were so amazed that this little bird was following her around that I forgot to photograph her finished sheets!


Rhonda, like Soyoun, was also making large sheets of paper.  Check out her facial expressions as she goes through the process of dipping and turning, before the relief of seeing the final sheet.  It feels to me like concentration, apprehension and finally elation!

Just love those couching cloths, Rhonda.  Look like old 1980’s sheets!  (Who am I to talk? I’ve got peach flowery sheets from the Op-Shop!  And they work very well.)


This looked fun.  Robert was doing some fabulous paper sculpting using molds he had made himself.

You can see him painstakingly building the shapes up in the molds, and as the pulp dries it shrinks and comes away from the sides.  This makes removal very easy.  One snag Robert came across was when using a white mold with white pulp it was very hard to see where the fibre was applied too thinly, so one or two repairs were in order.

Once fully dried and removed from the molds you can really appreciate the multi-dimensional aspects of the pieces.


Jill had some lovely red-dyed pulp and was making A4 sheets.  She’s a real expert and makes it look so easy – never a damaged or uneven sheet comes from Jill’s hands!

Rhonda spotted Jill’s red ‘bath’ and decided to dip a piece of hessian into it.

A wacky ear-ring perhaps?

Claire (that’s me)

Obviously as I’m the one with the camera there are no pictures of me, but I was also making paper.

I used a mix of recycled pale yellow cardstock left over from some paper pulp dipping I did with a friend recently and some banana pulp.  Click here to see the initial preparation of my banana pulp.

Above left to right: cardstock, banana pulp and a mix of the two.

I started with a vat of plain cardstock and gradually added more banana fibre.  And here are my finished sheets.

It was a great day with plenty happening but still time for a chat and to see what everyone else was up to.

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