Series Review: The Billionaire Builders series by Jennifer Probst

I had never read a book by Jessica Probst before.

I highly regret that fact now.

These books were so much fun. I read each one in a day. Although I felt they were a bit predictable (and followed a very formulaic structure, seriously every book had the same plot but with different characters and different twists) they were just such a welcomed break from the routine of the kinds of books I have been reading lately. These were exactly the kinds of books that make romance novels popular. They’re fun, sexy as hell and warm and fuzzy all over. They’re basically the literary equivalent of a hot chocolate.

The books centre around three brothers, Caleb, Dalton and Tristan who had a big falling out after the death of their mother. Once their father, the head of the family company passes away and leaves the company to his sons in his will, on the condition that they run it for a full year all together or else the company be sold off- the boys decide to return to trying to work together and repairing their family.

While pairing off and finding lady friends.


The brothers are really well written as are the partners they find, and despite the formulaic nature of the story lines you really do root for the characters. They really come to life in a way that I think can be challenging in such short, fast paced novels. I will say that after the first book the big twist surprises of the next two books were really obvious, so there’s not really a surprise element in any of the books. You know exactly what you’re in for. The books are literally just:

Boy meets girl.

Boy and girl don’t get along very well.

Girl is begrudgingly attracted to boy.

Boy starts flirting with girl.

Girl insists that they must keep a professional relationship and shouldn’t get involved.

Boy kisses girl.

Girl says ‘that was a mistake and it shouldn’t happen again’.

Boy and girl have sex.

Boy and girl decide to see each other.

Boy admits to being in love with girl.

Girl admits big secret.

Boy leaves girl.

Boy comes back to girl.

Girl and boy live happily ever after/get married.

Yet somehow, somehow it just works. Even though there’s no surprise, these books are just fun! I really enjoyed them and they made me so happy.

Though I will say the final book in the series didn’t score as high for me because I really didn’t like Tristan very much and I felt like his relationship with Sydney was the least romantic and the most bordering on romanticised unhealthy relationships (which I think romance novels do a lot of – and which in the first two books I was really happy not to see any of).

I also am kind of annoyed by the series title of ‘Billionaire Brothers’, mostly because I didn’t think the reference to them being ‘billionaries’ was really relevant. They all had to work for the family company and despite the fact that they live in a mansion (which could be explained by the fact that their dad built the home for advertising for the business) there isn’t a lot of reference to them being super wealthy. They live in a relatively small town, own a building company and live in a big house- thats the only reference to their wealth. I just thought it made the series sound a little more cheesy or like they were named just because romance novels with ‘billionaire’ in the title are popular…

If you’re looking for books to read over holidays or weekends as a ‘wind down and relax’ type of read I really recommend this series.

And I ask you: What romance series do you recommend?

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