Silver Girl 5 (Pages 303 – 368)


Meredith’s peace and quiet on Nantucket is broken when a journalist calls her, informing that Samantha, her decorator, has confessed that she and Freddie have been having an affair for six years. Meredith is not totally surprised because of the moment in the shed when she saw Freddie’s hand resting on the small of Samantha’s back and then he removed it as soon as Meredith walked in. Despite the doubt in the back of her mind, she is hurt, and she tells her lawyer that she wants to talk to Freddie. Yet, he refuses to talk to Meredith or see her.

A horde of reporters camp outside Connie’s house, and Toby tells Meredith that she should make a statement. She writes one, but feels unable to stand before the journalists, so she asks Connie to read the statement, and Connie agrees to do so.

There is some good news as well. The lawyer calls, telling her that the feds have exonerated Leo. As a matter of fact, the man who accused Leo was involved in the scheme, and the secretary finally testified that Leo had never been on the seventeenth floor, which is where all the fraudulent business was carried out. Meredith feels so happy for her son, but the lawyer advises her not to contact him yet since Meredith is still under investigation.

Meredith tries to think of information that could help the feds, and she remembers the Swiss banker that they rented a flat from when they were first together. Then when she goes through her few things, she finds the form that Freddie gave her about the star which he bought for her on one of her birthdays. As she reads the document, she realises that the NASA did not issue it, but it was something that Freddie made up on the computer. She thinks that maybe this has some significance, and she gives the lawyer the details written in the form.

Days later the lawyer calls back, and she says that they have found four accounts in a Swiss bank, but these accounts are empty. He also tells her that they found out who the Swiss banker was. It is the friend who Mary Rivers had told her had committed suicide. Meredith had assumed that since he was an investor, he had killed himself, but the lawyer tells her that the man was Freddie’s henchman, and he just did himself in because he couldn’t face the humiliation and prison.

One of the nice things is that finally Meredith and Toby get together when they are left alone in the house one night. We learn that they almost crossed the line on Toby’s mother’s funeral, but in the end Meredith stopped before things got too far. She wanted it because she has always been in love with him, but back then she thought that Ben deserved her loyalty. Now that she has learnt the truth about her husband – Connie even told her about how Freddie made a pass at her – she just feels she doesn’t owe him anything. I am glad that after all these years Meredith and Toby found their way back to each other.

The only downer is that Ashlyn, Connie’s daughter, hasn’t called even though Connie knows that she must have seen her on TV when she read Meredith’s statement. She feels sad and jealous because Toby’s and Meredith’s sons have called. I really don’t understand Ashlyn; Connie is lovely, and we can see that during this summer with Meredith she has put her friend first, and made sure she was okay. She has acted like a mother hen. So if she has done all this for Meredith, she must be twice as good for her own child. I grant that she might have overreacted about the kiss, but doesn’t Ashlyn love her enough to overlook that mistake, especially when Connie keeps trying to contact her?

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