Soul DNA

What is your Soul DNA?

Like your body’s DNA, your Soul DNA contains strands of information that become you—and only you.

On your Soul DNA are strands of:

  • your soul’s sacred longing
  • your soul’s divine purpose
  • all your gifts and talents
  • sacred purpose of your shadows
  • your ancestry in, and beyond, history
  • your invisible divine teacher
  • memory of who you really are
  • memory of consciously choosing life
  • deepest memory of being pure light
  • ability to see as the divine sees
  • memory of being one with The One

Just like human DNA, your Soul DNA is a thing of complex beauty and grace. And, just like human DNA, it unfolds in a spiral.

Ah! The Spiral!

I explored this sacred geometric form in depth for Find Your Soul’s Purpose. It is the mystical form that generates all life forms on earth. Francene Hart, the great artist of Sacred Geometry, describes the spiral as the “accelerator of consciousness.”

So what happens when you walk that accelerator back in time to birth and beyond to remember your essence, your core, your foundation–your Soul’s DNA?

You’ll find out for yourself as you walk the sacred spiral, but here are a few things you can look forward to:

  • feel more awake, alert, alive
  • heightened awareness that everything is alive, conscious, and sacred
  • heightened ability to focus on what is yours to do and relinquish the rest
  • constantly see connections, everything fits
  • synchronicities abound
  • intimate relationship with the Mystery
  • subtle changes as life opens spaces for your soul’s full expression
  • long forgotten talents and gifts come to life
  • shadows morph from problems to invitations
  • see our wounded world through eyes of love
  • life overflows with meaning, purpose, joy
  • your heart overflows with love

In the end, all those delicious strands weave together into one braid, and it’s name is LOVE.

That‘s who you are.
That‘s what you’re here to remember.
That‘s your soul’s essential DNA.

Janet Conner is a writer, speaker, teacher, retreat guide, and radio show host of The Soul-Directed Life radio show for Unity Online Radio. Each year she teaches five global telecourses in her trademark series Your Soul Wants Five Things, which offers spiritual tools and practices that help people meet their soul’s primary needs. She lives and writes in Ozona, Florida. Visit her online at

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