Stargazer November Forecast – Turningpoints

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   ARIES March 20 – April 19
Chance of cloudy, partial thunderstorms this month, as Mars sends vexing influences over from your area of partnerships, intensifying your relationships with others. The 4th, 19th and 1st of next month can all be contemptuous and your temper can get the best of you. Turning points and a dynamic atmosphere is present. Paradoxically intimacy is highlighted and flourishes with beautiful developments on the 13th, 16th and 21st especially. There is a push – pull dynamic as you adjust to a new flow in your relationships. The New Moon on the 26th spells it out clearly. Events on the 12th and 22nd are significant and provide awareness. Journeys and travel could feature this month, but expect delays or changes of plan in December.

   TAURUS April 20 – May 20
It remains a busy month for work, but partnerships are very much emphasized. The New Moon on the 18th is quite powerful and illuminates a new chapter in your love life, featuring someone very important to you. Romantic energy is already enhanced by the 8th, and you’ll find others are more receptive to your advances. The 16th and 21st are positively magical for deepening a bond or taking a commitment to the next level. Circle the 13th, the most wonderful day of the year, highlighting your union and how far you can take it. A serendipitous meeting may transpire. Watch out for an issue with your career interfering with the progress you are making at home around the 19th. A vexing situation on the 19th could be problematic at work for you.

   GEMINI May 21 – June 20
Mars stimulates your area of self expression, making this an ideal period to move forward with personal and creative projects. Venus’ lingering influence though the first week of the month puts you in the pleasure zone. You can make a long term commitment to a person or project on the 3rd. Work is also emphasized and you will likely be making big strides on the job, the 13th and 16th really stand out, and highlight the creative potential in a new position. New Moon on the 18th reveals the details. Stunning financial indications are in play on the 21st and you can (and should) really negotiate for what you are worth. A long term commitment remains in frame, and it is through a relationship you may see the realization of a cherished dream around the 11th. This story has been playing out for about a year, and it is possible you met this person in a group environment or through friends. The 25th and 28th are ideal for articulating your feelings.

   CANCER June 21 – July 22
The Scorpio New Moon on the 18th continues to send signals that it’s time to engage a creative outlet or get after a personal desire for recreation and love. The 13th is among the most pleasurable of the year, and the 16th and 21st are also very stimulating, urging you to connect deeply with your partner. Venus illuminates this area brilliantly from the 8th and you will be in the sweet spot. Enjoy the good vibrations, and if you are still on the lookout, use that New Moon on the 18th to send a message to the universe to attract your true love. Mars (from October 23rd) is providing a more contentious climate within your personal and domestic life and you may be dealing with very personal issues in this period as well. It could be that family members are a source of frustration, or that there is some upheaval within the home. In some cases you are going back to the roots of endemic issues that have been present since your childhood, and there can be some psychological land mines that get triggered in this phase and require some kind of therapy, reflection or remediation to be dealt with. Such issues can rise to the surface swiftly around the 19th, pay close attention to the feelings that emerge on this cathartic transit, as they will reveal much to you in the ways in which old attitudes are holding you back from the attainment of something genuine in your partnership.

   LEO July 23 – August 22
Venus joins Jupiter in your area of residence this month to bring really good vibrations to your domestic environment. The 13th and 16th are extremely positive to acquire objects of value and beauty that will enhance your home and offer peace within it’s walls. A move or change can be put into motion on the 18th. Upgrades are possible. You get news around the Full Moon on the 4th that all the hard work you put in during April and May are paying off. While you’ll enjoy the prestige you gain in this period, your attention is turned to more personal and familiar topics. Children and self expressive activities occupy your time for the next 2 months with a long range endeavor taking root around the 11th.

  VIRGO August 23 – September 22
This month will require a balance between your work and social obligations. You may be doing very well at a money making endeavor but required to split your time with friends and companions. There is a busy if not hectic quality to daily life that will ultimately be exhilarating. You can really enjoy love and companionship on the 9th, 13th, 16th and 21st as harmonious vibrations make it possible to deepen your connections with others. A housing matter culminates positively on the 11th. It’s likely taken years to see the improvements you have sought, and it is in this time you may find the resources are averrable to make a residential dream come true. The next phase (beginning next month) is about cultivating you personal gifts of creativity or starting a family, so you are going to need a strong base to rely on!

   LIBRA September 23 – October 23
Very exciting social opportunities are present and this is a good time to catch up with people you may have lost touch with over the prior, very busy phase. A lot of effort and energy is still required to make the most of financial opportunities, a trend that lasts through next January. A lucky break on the 13th signals a creative opportunity in your profession is unfolding. The 16th is a time to put your inspiration to work for you. A romantic or business relationship continues to escalate, or exciting prospects can emerge between the 3rd and 11th. A sense of stability and commitment offers you a feeling of incredible satisfaction, especially if this road has been bumpy. The Full Moon on the 4th allows you to seal the deal on a commitment. Watch out for prickly situations with family members on the 19th. Everything else is going so well this month, don’t let this beast rain on your parade!

   SCORPIO October 24 – November 21
The Full Moon on the 4th highlights your partnerships and beautifully augments your commitments. Passionate and romantic undertones are present, and you may, with Jupiter also on your side, be making meaningful connection with a spouse, or even marrying at this time. Venus in your sign from the 8th enhances your ability to receive pleasure, and the 13th, 16th and 21st are set to be the most romantic of the year, dive in! Financial matters and energy gestating behind the scenes for you will likely divide your attention, but are worth the effort. Conversations and agreements on the 17th, 25th and 28th, particularly those made behind closed doors, will benefit the future of your finances. A very quarrelsome energy is present on the 19th, and a skeleton in the closet starts making a lot of noise, reminding you it is time to let something go. A New Moon in your sign on the 18th gives you a new lease on life. You feel great in a healing role, even if you only provide this for yourself.

   SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21
A job or assignment comes to completion around the time of the Full Moon on the 4th, or you may be realizing success with a health related matter, such as a weight loss goal. There is much to attend to in your most private life, though friends and daily life will still vie for ample amounts of your attention. Finding a good work – life balance is therefore crucial, and harmonizing the need you likely require for rest (after a very hard working phase over the last few months) while also celebrating your recent successes with associates, will be the presiding forces at work over this busy month. A creative endeavor or love relationship can really take root in this phase. You have mastered your impulsive nature through conscientious expression of maturity and can now see these matters come to lovely fruition.

   CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19
Your energy will be directed towards attainment of professional goals this month, and you might find yourself in a very competitive environment as you scale up the mountain of success. Steele yourself for the battle on the 19th. A goal or agenda you established about a year ago (late October) goes through a period of critical review and transformation. Socially this is a great time for you, so do carve out time for friends and associates. The 13th, 16th and 21st are all super lovely for interludes and connecting with the ones you care for. Romance can also grow in these favorable conditions, especially during the sensual Full Moon on the 4th. Personal and private matters are also coming to conclusion as Saturn winds down it’s transit of your arena of secrets and endings. A collaboration with Mercury on the 28th allows to articulate the peace you have made with yourself.

   AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18
A balance between your social life and finding time to develop the remarkable professional opportunities available to you this month will make for a lively period. Venus and Sun join Jupiter and many exciting offers are flowing to you now. The 13th, 16th and 21st are especially auspicious and you can make a great impression, particularly if you work in creative industries. A tough energy present on the 19th signals you are hiding something or need to release an issue from the past. A sense of surrender or release could be transformative in this vital period. Mercury from the 6th sees you in touch with all kinds of interesting people, and you can connect easily through social activities on the the 11th, 17th and 25th. An older friend imparts meaningful advice on the 28th. Home and your root base is emphasized around the Full Moon on the 4th, and it may be time to move on to greener pastures, particularly if a career opportunity has presented itself from abroad. The corresponding New Moon on the 18th signals a change of life direction, and a role as a healer or in such an industry could be on offer.

   PISCES February 19 – March 20
Socially this is a very exciting month and this is a great time to connect with friends both near and far. A long sought after raise or promotion can come in around the 11th, the result of dedication and innovation you have employed over the last 12 months. Venus in Scorpio from the 8th genuinely enhances your receptivity to pleasure as well as romance. Traveling can generate a positive ambience for love, and you may meet someone abroad if unattached. The 3rd, 9th, 13th, 16th and 21st are all exquisite for cultivating your love connections. A New Moon on the 18th shows you the way to your future. A tricky power dynamic on the 19th affects shares finances, resources and security you build with another. Watch out for subversive tactics, events at this time can expose false friends. Your ship can be coming in professionally and negotiations on the 25th and 28th spell enduring success for you.

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