
Make 2018 a year to listen to others and hear what they are really saying.  Winter is a time when many suffer from depression. The shorter days and cold weather seems to add to their Blue feelings. Let this be the year of being real with one another. Our job is not to fix people but to be there for someone who needs a friend.

The “Just Fine” Mask

“How are you?”  “Oh, I am just fine!”

How easy to protect ourselves behind our mask

Social butterflies flitting here and there

A drop of nectar from me and one from you

Kiss, Kiss!

“How are you?”  “Well, I have been better.”

“Stop right there I don’t want to know”

Cutting you off …too much information

No invested emotion here

Kiss, Kiss

“How are you?” “Oh, I am so glad you asked!”

“Here we go again… do I really have to listen to this?”

“Tell me what is going on, I would love to hear.”

“Don’t worry it will get better.”

Kiss, Kiss

“How are you?”  “I am really struggling!”

“I am so sorry, tell me more.”

“What can I do to help?”

“I’ll call you soon!” “Then we’ll talk.”

Kiss, Kiss

“Hi how are you?”  “I’m fine!”

“I can’t deal with this anymore”

“Love you, goodbye!”


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

This one has been posted a year ago, but is a good reminder for the new year.

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