TBR Pile Accounting #2

At the beginning of the year I made a goal to reduce the number of unread books on my shelves to half of the total at that point in time.  In February I did an official accounting of the number of books (there were 12 at the time) and clarified that if I bought new unread books I still had to hit 6 or less by the end of December  

It’s been several months, half the year is over and things have happened since then so I thought I’d do a follow-up on how I’m doing.  Read on if you are curious!

1. & 2. & 3. Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen (Abhorsen trilogy) by Garth Nix

Sabriel and Lirael have been read!  I’m off to a good start! I did, however, read most of these two books by audiobook and not actually reading the copy I own, but that’s another story.  Abhorsen’s audiobook is on hold and I’m in the middle of a contemporary kick so I’m not in the mood to pick up the physical book while I wait so it’ll be a bit longer before I get to it.  

4. The Diviner by Melanie Rawn

Book that has been on my shelf the longest and will likely stay unread for a while more.  I just can’t seem to toss or read this one.

5. Brimstone (Pendergast #5) by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child 

This one will be a matter of timing, honestly.  I do want to read, but just not gotten to it yet.

6. The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) by Cinda Willams Chima 

Despite two friends trying to talk me into this one it is not yet read.  Again, I feel it’s only a matter of time and maybe audiobook.

7. The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood

I knew I was never going to read this so even though it was a signed first edition from a friend and I feel bad about it, I donated this. 

8. Snow like Ashes by Sara Raasch and 11. Half Bad by Sally Green

Both of these I had wanted to read in the past but have been not so interested in the now.  Who knows what will happen to these ones.

9. Kiss of Deception by Mary E Pearson and 10. Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J Maas

Both books I’m really excited about but have yet to read.  I’m becoming a but less excited about them but still interested.  Funny enough the odds are Snow like Ashes or Half Bad are more likely to be read then these even though I’m more interested in these ones because I don’t have to commit to ones I’m less interested in reading and what if I don’t like a book I’m really excited about?

12. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Same as above, but also this one is a bit more complex so will need more of my time and attention. 

Books read: 2

Books donated: 1

Unread books: 9

It would seem as though I am doing well, having only 3 more books to read in 6 months to reach my goal, but there are more additions to my shelves which changes the numbers.  In an effort not to make this a ridiculously long post, I’m going to talk about those books in the next post.  Stay tuned if you are curious (and for a sneak peak at the books I have bought recently). 

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