The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black–Spoiler Free Book Review

Tana lives in a world where walled cities called Coldtowns exist. In them, quarantined monsters and humans mingle in a decadently bloody mix of predator and prey. The only problem is, once you pass through Coldtown’s gates, you can never leave.

One morning, after a perfectly ordinary party, Tana wakes up surrounded by corpses. The only other survivors of this massacre are her exasperatingly endearing ex-boyfriend, infected and on the edge, and a mysterious boy burdened with a terrible secret. Shaken and determined, Tana enters a race against the clock to save the three of them the only way she knows how: by going straight to the wicked, opulent heart of Coldtown itself.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is a wholly original story of rage and revenge, of guilt and horror, and of love and loathing from bestselling and acclaimed author Holly Black.

(Photo and synopsis from

Quick Thoughts:
I thought this book was very original. I have read a lot of vampire books, but I’ve never read anything quite like this one. My favorite part about the book was the world. It felt just like our world, but with vampires. I also liked the characters. They were each unique and had a lot of personality. I wish Holly Black would turn this into a series because I would love to see more of this world and these characters. I would not recommend this book to younger readers mainly because of the violence. However, I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to mature readers.

4/5 Stars


Profanity: Moderate

Violence/Gore: Extreme

Sex/Nudity: Low

Mature Content:
Alcohol: High
Drugs: Low
Homosexuality: Low
Disrespecting God: Low

I’d compare The Coldest Girl in Coldtown to a PG 13-rated movie.


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