Pastor’s Notes
December 3, 2017
Are there those who want to or actually worship angels? When we identify one who has died as “now being an angel” in a real sense that is precisely what we are doing. We elevate him or her to a level never stated as so in the bible. We have a soul…angels don’t. Christ died for our soul, not his created angels. How do we know this about angels? Find one verse in the bible that says it differently. You won’t find it. Satan rebelled and will not be forgiven yet he was/is and Angel.
“We miss something per angels.” The word also means star! Light! Messenger! By implication it also means “pastor.” We tend to be boastful of our worship habits or Christian living, but will come in less than our perception of our self. The angels actually saw all of creation as it happened; the heavens, earth, inhabitants, man, their own creation. However, they are not boastful. They give total allegiance and praise to God. The only exception is the fallen angels who Lucifer leads. We need to sing all praise and worship songs with joy. His angels did and do. This is evidenced at the First Christmas Carol sung by the angels to a rather surprised cluster of shepherds.
Can we see angels? Even if we have or think we have, they are not the objects of worship. We need to ask, “Where is Christ in our daily living?” Morning prayer; evening prayer; meals only; middle of our day; weekend Sundays? Christianity is a way of life; not a religion.
Angels gave all glory to God for the birth of Jesus. Why? They knew his purpose was for the salvation of mankind. They also understood their position within creation.
Angels sang a song never before sung, We can still sing it today. Shepherds had little to boast about per their careers in the outer pasture lands guarding their sheep. Just because the angels first appeared to them they didn’t boast of that fact. They declared the Messiah had been born.
There was a third note within these events. Without the birth of Jesus there would have been no cross. No cross is our loss. We would be no better off than the fallen angels under Satan’s thumb. The peace (on earth) of God is not a political peace. It is a personal peace regardless of the events that surround us. God first, last and I the middle.