The JDRF Advocacy and Research Initiatives


Living in Cresskill, New Jersey, David Kushner presides over Paradigm Capital Group, where he serves clients by assisting them in a variety of financial transactions. David Kushner and his wife Nanci of Cresskill are dedicated to health-promoting organizations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

The JDRF supports the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), an initiative that funds scientific studies focused on type 1 diabetes. The SDP receives assistance from the JDRF in securing government support for critical technologies such as artificial pancreas systems, continuous glucose monitoring systems, and beta cell therapies for the eyes and kidneys.

By providing the US Food and Drug Administration with the information it needs to review and approve new technologies and drugs, the JDRF helps patients with type 1 diabetes access treatments they need. The JDRF also enhances patients’ lives by improving healthcare access and encouraging health insurance policy providers to cover necessary treatments.

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