The Last Kiss Goodbye 4 (Chapters 14-17)

Abby goes to visit Ros.

The main reason is to give her a copy of the photograph. Yet, Ros guesses that she is investigating Blake’s story. She doesn’t like it, but as she points out, whatever her feelings, that won’t stop Abby or Elliot. Ros also tells her that she did everything in her power to find out what had happened, getting into the thick of the jungle, but it was useless. When Abby mentions that Blake could be alive, Ros is categorical. She can’t believe that because that would mean he decided not to return to her and their love.

Then Abby and her friend Suze go to a party thrown by Elliot. I still don’t like him, and however attractive, rich, and wonderful he is, I wouldn’t like him and Abby to hook up, but I think they will eventually. Whether Abby will later regret it or not, that is what we will have to see. I still think that Abby should talk to Nick and give a chance to the love she claims she still feels for him.

At Elliot’s party Abby gets to meet his father, Andrew Shah, and he tells her that there were some gossip circulating about Ros at time. She was rumoured to have been a Russian spy. Abby doesn’t want to believe that as she likes Ros, and believing that will mean that someone she likes will let her down. That night Abby gets too drunk, and when she wakes up, she realises she is in Elliot’s spare room. They have breakfast together, and he tells her that they should go to see Clive Dermond, a man who used to work in his newspaper and has more information about Rosamund Bailey.

They talk to the man, and he tells them that there were rumours about Ros. Yet, when a newspaper published a list of possible Russian spies, the name there wasn’t Ros’s but Blake’s. And Clive thinks that maybe Blake turned Ros in or maybe it was her who turned him in. That throws a new direction in the story. Was Blake really a spy? I wouldn’t have thought so, but in the first chapter we saw him talking to this Russian diplomat, Eugene. What was Blake really into?

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