The last straw

I broke down today.

I just couldn’t take it anymore. All of it. The little things, like a bad weather, or misinformation by the weather guy. The big things, like the contract that went south real fast. Or the average things like bills to pay and food to eat. I. Just. Snapped.

It took all of one insult by a random passerby to do that. Just an unkind word by an irrelevant person. Of all the things that have happened that could’ve broken me. But I guess that’s life. You never get to pick the last straw.

It’s funny how accurate of a description that is. The Last Straw. 

Naturally, my first thought was to look for you. My to-go person. I don’t know how, but you always managed to calm me down without trying. So for a brief moment, I was happy. It will all be over soon, I thought. You will talk my sanity back into system, I thought. That was before reality hit me.

You’re gone. 

And if I thought that the insult was the last straw, I was definitely unprepared for the demons that showed up at the door. 

All hell broke lose.

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