They said in a group of three there’s one person who is weird. But how come in our case, there’s no one normal? I don’t know. I don’t even know how we know each other.
Beda angkatan. Beda jurusan. Beda kampung halaman. Beda spesies.
Panda Tambun. Kucing Kecil. Onta Banci.
Onta yang tak lagi banci.
Kucing yang sudah menjadi induk kucing kucing kecil.
Dan Panda yang bertanggungjawab melestarikan kelangsungan spesies satwa langka.
From blog, to ym and gtalk, to Rasa Istimewa, to whatsapp group. It’s odd that people who has nothing in common seemingly, clicks so well on almost any absurd topic.
I don’t know what I have done in my previous life to deserve friends like you. To you, I say, a decade of friendship is small steps compared to the lifelong one we will have.
And to my kids, I tell them, “their minions are your cousins.”