The Third Reich

The Vision: Adolf Hitler salutes troops of the Condor Legion who fought alongside Spanish Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, during a rally upon their return to Germany, 1939.

Hitler proclaimed that the Third Reich shall last a 1000 year. It shall build its self on blood and soil. The new Reich was to be a united one. The youth started early in Hitler Jugend if they was true German. They checked back several generation. Blood from Jews, Rom people, Russian and mentally challenged meant you could be looked out. This was too keep the blood lines clean, new Darwinism it was called. The thought was that since animal become there best when breed properly. The same should apply too human. Another important vision was that everybody was working for the same, not like the fragile pre-war democracy.

The good German should follow the example that where thought in schools, Cinema, Radio and some TV. Be good German by being equal to others and not work against the flow. Propaganda was the word we would use for media today.

Germany had to get back the land it was robbed from after the great war. Germany needed also more space and their eyes looked east.

The Ideology: Adolf Hitler salutes troops of the Condor Legion who fought alongside Spanish Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, during a rally upon their return to Germany, 1939.

NSDAP (The National Socialist German Workers) was lead under Adolf Hitler. In early days he both had successes and defeats. After a failed coup (beer hall punch) Hitler was put in jail. There he wrote “Main Kampf”. The Nazism was built up after inspiration from Mussolini Facist Italy. But the unity that also meant that some was left outside meant that it was strong hate against certain group among Nazi voters. This become more and more clearly with mass-killing from 1933 and onward and increased up in 1942 to the end. The party was to seem to be close too the people, but was in reality remote.  The eugenics was inspired from US and UK that was leading on the subject.

The People:

The German people voted Hitler and NSDAP into power. Not everyone agreed in everything they stood for. But they promised stability, work and food for every German. He also promise to raise the honor back to the people after the humiliating Versailles thready. Germany was in chaos when Hitler got too power. But by putting people in work on large project like the autobahn and building up the military, most Germans was satisfied. The excluded ones was too few too now resist. Hitler tried too get nation around the world, including US, France, UK and Russia to accept the Jews. Only an African country said they could take in 5000. They tried to find a solution with Gibraltar but that went out when war started. The German people stood behind their savior and Führer too the very end.

The Axis – German allies:

The Plan:

The Military:

Elite Divisions:



Waffen SS:

The War – Timeline:







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