As a writer, I am also a huge reader. Here are my three recommendations to anyone looking to get themselves ready for colder nights, falling leaves, and whispers in the dark…
3/ Clive Barker- You may have come across his work on film foremost. Barker is a multi faceted talent as a director, writer, and artist. His visions are deep, rich, and perverse. His Hellraiser series left a permanent impact on horror fiction. If you have an interest in the creative side of the process, Barker has actually written some interesting essays on craft. To get the best taste of his work start with his breakthrough publication, Books of Blood. They are two volumes of short stories (to give you an idea of his talent, it is extremely rare for a publisher to take a chance on a new author with only a collection of stories.) After you finish those, move on to Coldheart Canyon, his novel of Hollywood ghosts and excess. You’ll soon be absorbed into his worlds as only a true master of writing can accomplish.
2/ Dan Simmons– Simmons is not an author for coffee and killing twenty minutes on a slow afternoon. His books are long and they demand your attention for the journey. Check out Carrion Comfort and you will not regret giving up your time. It is the story of those in society with a supernatural ability to influence others to do their will. We’re not talking motivational speakers here. These are men, women, teenagers, and others struggling to work through what they have and taking advantage of others around them. It is a book that will stick with you, especially in this current political environment.
1/ Sara Gran– Gran is newer than the other two but read her. Grab her books wherever you can find them. Start with Come Closer. In my opinion, and I know this is extreme, Come Closer does more for the possession novel than The Exorcist ever did. It is a book I read years ago and I can still picture scenes from it today. It is shorter, a quick read, and you will never forget it. Find it and read it if you like being disturbed and a book that will stick in your mind. That’s the trademark of a skilled author and Gran is not one to be missed.
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