Three Paths to Light – Steve Tanham

Reblogged from The Silent Eye:

In the early days of The Silent Eye, I thought it would be a good idea if Steve, Stuart and I, as the three directors of the school, shared a little about how we had come to work together. Our journeys were very different, yet shared some odd commonalities. As the accounts have languished in the vaults of the Silent Eye for a while, I thought it might be a good idea to republish them here…

My Spiritual Journey

Steve Tanham

I was born in May 1954. I came into the world (with the help of my mother and a good midwife), in a terraced house belonging to my grandparents in a working-class district of Bolton. I had the good fortune to be born into a Rosicrucian family. My father had come across an advert for AMORC (one of the best-known Rosicrucian Schools) in a magazine he was reading while waiting at a railway station. He was on his way to carry out his basic training at an army camp. Later, he became the spiritual beacon of our family, and my mother married him, largely, she claims, because he was “different” from other men in this respect.

I was enrolled into AMORC’s Junior Order of Torchbearers as a child, and loved the gentle introduction to the Mysteries that they offered. There was no hint of indoctrination in those early lessons (nor since) and the gradient of teaching was very gentle – perhaps too gentle.

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