The following account comes from Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) from Japan, founder of the martial art Aikido:
Crystal clear, sharp and bright,
my mind has no opening for evil to roost.
The morning sun shines in,
My mind, too, is clear and bright;
from the window, I let myself
soar to the highest heaven,
bathed in divine light.
Source: John Stevens, Abundant Peace: The Biography of Morihei Eushiba, Founder of Aikido (Boston: Shambhala, 1987), 106.
Some similarities to Joseph Smith’s First Vision might include:
- Seeing a divine light
- This light is bright and shining
- The light is like the sun
- Evil being vanquished
- Being enveloped, bathed, in this light
- The mind being caught away to a heavenly place
If you would like to submit a “First Vision” account, either personal or found, for inclusion on this website, please click here.
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