Weekend Update: September 23-24, 2017

Next week at Maine Crime Writers, there will be posts by Vaughn Hardacker (Monday), Lea Wait (Tuesday), Jen Blood (Wednesday), Barb Ross (Thursday), and Susan Vaughan (Friday).

In the news department, here’s what’s happening with some of us who blog regularly at Maine Crime Writers:

Today, Saturday, September 23rd:

LOCAL WRITERS at THE LOCAL BUZZ SEASON #7 Kick-Off! Saturday, September 23, 2017 Kate Flora ~ Prose Anna Wrobel ~ Poetry 4:00 – 5:00 PM at The Local Buzz 327 Ocean House Road (at Pond Cove IGA Shopping Center)  Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 More information at: www.localbuzzcafe.com  

And Kate (who doesn’t want to dominate this page) is so pleased that Newsweek has included The Obama Inheritance in its list of Top 15 Books to Read this Fall:



From Kaitlyn: This is the last weekend to enter the Goodreads drawing for an advance reading copy of X MARKS THE SCOT. It ends on Monday and ARCS will be shipped to readers on Tuesday. Click here to enter: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/253616-x-marks-the-scot

If you missed it earlier, there was an amusing excerpt from Death Warmed Over at Dru’s Book Musings on Friday. It gives a nice flavor of Thea’s character. https://drusbookmusing.com/2017/09/22/thea-kozak/

An invitation to readers of this blog: Do you have news relating to Maine, Crime, or Writing? We’d love to hear from you. Just comment below to share.

And a reminder: If your library, school, or organization is looking for a speaker, we are often available to talk about the writing process, research, where we get our ideas, and other mysteries of the business. Contact Kate Flora

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