Weekly Smile #WeeklySmile
Look at that number: 88! Isn’t that a great number? It reminds me of my very favorite Schoolhouse Rock video, Figure 8. Yeah, I said Schoolhouse Rock ;) The song is simple, as they all are, but the arrangement is great, with some good counter melodies. And, of course, they got the jazz great Blossom Dearie to sing. Oh, here is the video:
Click Here if you don’t see the Video
No, that isn’t my smile. :) Actually, in some ways, my smile is a repeat.
I spent last week on Cape Cod. I was there a little over a week, but took a week off of work. My parents joined me for 6 days of it. This is my usual end of summer vacation on the Cape, a tradition I’ve been keeping for about a decade.
I’ve just started to look at photos, but it is always fun reliving a vacation through the lens of your camera.
One thing, I saw a lot of seals. I got a few good photos, but even when they were close to shore, they were always just a little out of range.
And, of course, there was a lot of birding.
Spending time on Cape Cod with my parents and looking at all of the photos is my smile for the week.
So, what made you smile this week? Write about it and put your link in the comments below or do a ping back to this post. Next week I will do a recap post before I put up my weekly smile and include all of the links and even the short smiles people leave in the comments. Yes, that’s right, if you just leave a smile as a comment, i.e., you don’t do a post, I’ll include that in the recap too! So let me know what you smiled about!
Not sure the “rules” for the Weekly Smile? Check here.
Last Week’s Smiles!
Note – the Weekly Smile runs Wednesday Morning to Wednesday morning. I post in the morning (Eastern US) and put up the link usually between 7 and 8 AM EST. I also try to post on Sunday as a reminder. People can and do join throughout the week. Sometime Wednesday morning before I post a new smile, I will post a Smile Recap of the week before. have fun and Smile! :)
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