What I’m doing now

So, I’m no longer card making but I’ve written a book with heaps of Stampin Up peppered through it. It’s called Spades of Determination. Available on Amazon here.

Some of the reviews I’m getting:

“I think the most important message I take away from this biographical account is courage is key in facing any adversity. Rachel’s harrowing ordeal has–if anything else–been a lesson in humility, determination, perseverence and the importance of the love of family and friends.

The writing is clear and penetrative. The fact she slowly typed this out letter by letter on an iPad only shows how determined and courageous she has been in telling her remarkable story. The best part is the reader doesn’t have to have gone through anything like what Rachel has endured to appreciate the book. Rachel’s struggle is the struggle so many have gone through as part of life. There is a universal resonance to make this book relevant to readers everywhere.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who might be convalescing, wherever they may be, to serve as inspiration and encouragement.”


“Friends and family – I urge you to download this book or buy a paperback version from Amazon and read it asap! I just finished reading it over a 36hr period (a PB for me)…it is written by my friend Rachel who 4 years ago, suffered a brain-stem stroke (age 41, mother of three kids, wife and running her own law practice) which left her with locked-in syndrome. That means that her only communication was by eye movement (look ‘up’ for yes, down for ‘no’) Slowly and surely, and with hours of rehab each week, she is gaining more movement and has amazingly written this memoir of her journey – all by using one finger to type!! I’ve learnt, by reading the book, that she doesn’t think she is amazing or inspirational, however she truely is! Rachel Capps