Why Settle for Good, When You Can Have Best!

I recently heard a story that I believe may bless some of you.

On the day of the final exam, the professor gave every student the option of receiving a “C” on the exam without taking it. More than half the class accepted the “C” and left. The professor passed out the exam to those who remained. Before he allowed them to turn the exam over, he encouraged them and told them they would do great things in life. When the students turned the exam over, it had two sentences: Congratulations! You made an “A”!

What would you have done in that situation? What do you believe about yourself today? Do you belief you are worth a “C” because an “A” seems impossible, or out of your reach?

I challenge you to raise your expectations for what you will do. Raise your expectations for what you can have.

The students who settled for the “C” did get something good. However, the ones who knew they were worth more and believed in themselves, stayed and got best.

Do not allow the circumstances of life, your past, or even what you did this morning make you think that something is not possible for you.

Do not allow someone else’s opinion of you to become your reality. You are worth it! You can do it!

Please note, what is best for you and what is best for someone else may look completely different. Some of those students may have felt a “C” was best so they accepted it. The purpose here is to know what best is for YOU and pursue it!

No matter what, don’t settle for good when you can have best for your life!

Have a blessed day!

~ Keishawna

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