WWW Wednesday is currently hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. The three questions are: What have you recently finished reading? What are you currently reading? What are you planning to read next?

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Recently Finished?
I recently finished Jacqueline Wilson’s novel, The Illustrated Mum. While I wasn’t sure about it at first, actually ended up quite enjoying this story. Like many of Jacqueline Wilson’s other books, the story involves many issues surrounding family, friendship and mental illness. Overall, an interesting read.
Currently Reading?
I am currently halfway through reading Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson and am really enjoying it. Some parts of the narrative are getting a little repetitive, however the novel is enjoyable nonetheless and still a great, light summer read.
Planning to Read Next?
I am just about to start listening to an audiobook version of The Secret Life of Cows by Rosamund Young (it’s also read by Rosamund Young). It’s only 3hrs and 55mins long so hopefully I can start and finish it within the next week (before it’s due back at the library :)).
I think I might also read Dead Girls Don’t Lie next. It was recommended to me by a number of my friends and seems like a good book. I haven’t read any murder mystery style novels for a while now so am looking forward to it.

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What have you been reading lately? Feel free to leave me the link to your WWW and I’ll be sure to check it out. Happy Wednesday