You snooze you lose

So you got to be quick or you miss out. It’s the first rule of dumpster diving. Me and Jamie Lee dropped off her youngest for volleyball and took a quick ride around town. In a old run down industrial area I see a sign that says free.

Well alright alright, faster then you can say you cheap bastard, I stop the car and go inspect the offerings.. 12 2X4s painted a horrible shade of pastel green, not a nail in any of them. 6 pieces of 8′ PVC electrical conduit and a bunch of oddball pvc pipe and fittings, a plastic pallet that I instantly think will hold four rain buckets.


But we don’t have the truck, we figured we can wait for the middle child to finish work and pick it up with the truck in about an hour.

So I threw a temper tantrum in a old run down industrial area, because someone else stopped and took the stuff I had already made plans for..

Not a complete loss, but those 2x4s hit me right in the feels.

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