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20,000 Days And Counting: The Crash Course For Mastering Your Life Right Now (2013)

by Robert D. Smith(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
0849948541 (ISBN13: 9780849948541)
Thomas Nelson
review 1: Lots of great nuggets in this book. If you want the most out of life and live it to its potential, then this book is right up your alley. The author starts off reminding us that our days are numbered. That life blows by in a blink. But there are some benefits to recognizing that. One nugget he conveys early on is this: "Don’t focus on time, but on events themselves. When you control the event, you control your life. Fill these events with people you love. Relationships will be enhanced and memories created." (p. 15). Another nugget I particularly liked are the seven questions to ask to start each day. 1. Whose life am I going to brighten today? 2. What three things am I most grateful for today? 3. What memories am I going to create today? 4. What challenge am I... more going to overcome today? 5. What value am I going to create today? 6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today? 7. What life-changing decision( s) am I going to make today? Bonus Question (just to cover all the bases): What question am I not asking yet today? (pp. 94-95)I think even if you just pick 3 of these questions to start the day -- you've started off on the right foot.Enjoy
review 2: 20,000 Days is a quick read. coincidentally, I received this book on my 20,000th day of being alive. This was not by design (or at least not by my design!). I simply heard about the book (I believe via Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership and thought sounded worthwhile.) I didn't realize until I had started the book and went to the website to calculate my days, that was the case.Is there any earth shattering new information in this book? Not really. But it serves as a good reminder that time passes quickly... too quickly. And also is a good reminder that time is the only thing we can't regain when spent or lost. Whether we have a defined number of days on this earth, or whether we can exercise some control over their length, or whether circumstances beyond our control can cut our lives short suddenly and without warning, is all debatable. But one thing is for certain, how we spend the time we have is what truly matters.I think taking some time to get by yourself on one of these big days to reflect and plan is a good idea. Since I missed my 20,000th day, I'll have to choose another. Also noteworthy are the many wonderful quotes throughout the book. 20,000 Days is a quick read, and I believe your time reading it will be well spent. less
Reviews (see all)
Not bad, just somewhat like cotton candy. Fluffy and tasty--just no real substance.
A good book to do a "check-up" on how well you're living your life.
So inspiring that I read it through twice within a couple of weeks!
Short book that's worth your time
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