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Cradle Lake (2011)

by Ronald Malfi(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
1605425109 (ISBN13: 9781605425108)
Medallion Press
review 1: Semi - Pet Sematary rip-off. Grim and predictable without any characters I felt remotely invested in. Alan and Heather have suffered two miscarriages when Alan's estranged uncle dies, leaving Alan his house in North Carolina. Near the house is a lake that is supposed to have special healing powers, although they come with strings attached and some of the outcomes aren't pretty. The lake doesn't bring people back from the dead, but it's pretty close to Pet Sematary with the whole scenario of abusing Native American healing magic with horrific results. It's obvious what Alan is going to do after he finds out about the lake and it ends as you can probably imagine.
review 2: Drawing from the likes of Ira Levin and Stephen King and drawing upon some nightmarish
... more scenarios, author Ronald Malfi does manage to create an interesting if not compelling horror tale. But interesting is pretty much all this book receives in terms of prestige. I feel it had the potential to be a great book, but the language was rather dull and a lot of the book's concepts are a bit ridiculous even for a horror novel in which the "suspension of disbelief" is necessary. Personally I just didn't get into the story and never really enjoyed the author's insights into Cherokee culture (I have been at the Cherokee reservation and I assure you, this book is inaccurate) coupled with his ending, which is more nausea-inducing than terrifying or poetic. less
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It was a little bit weird, but nothing really special.
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