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Die Treppe Im See (2012)

by Ronald Malfi(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 2
Voodoo Press
review 1: Ron's description can make the simplistic scary and creates characters that are realistic and possibly mischevious. This story reminded me of my love of ghost stories and I want to have one of his books up next. My only complaint is that I sort of lost interest in the mystery around 70%. Maybe I wanted more. The last five percent, including the epilogue redeemed some of the mojo from the beginning. In short, very good at horror, but the mystery didn't engage as much as some mysteries have. Part of that may be because I was on the side of the characters who were frustrated that he didn't let it go. I liked the emotional arc and how his own skeltons were dealt with and woven in with what happened.
review 2: I would compare this book to a Dean Koontz book. It had
... morethrill and suspense just like Dean's books. I like the character Travis. I feel bad for him going through what he did. I am surprised at the end. It was a good ending, but with Travis so much as accusing David Dentman of killing his nephew, only to find out that the boy crawled into a hiding spot on his own and died, I am surprised that David didn't end up filing harassment charges against Travis. But on the other hand it brought closure to The Dentman's knowing that the boy was not murdered. Of course Veronica still ended up in the mental hospital. But this book had its fair share of twists and turns to keep me interested. less
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I don't know why this book is considered in the Horror genre. I would have put in the mystery genre.
A great mystery with the right amount of creepiness!
A nice little ghost story. I enjoyed it.
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