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The Narrows (2012)

by Ronald Malfi(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 5
1619210657 (ISBN13: 9781619210653)
Samhain Publishing
review 1: I'm not a huge fan of vampire stories, but if I do read them, I can only hope they should all be as good and as original as The Narrows. As a matter of fact, vampires or not, I hope to read more genre books as good and original as this one was. I remember reading The Boy in the Lot a while back on kindle, it was a free short story, sort of a teaser for The Narrows and it was pretty good, it intrigued me, but it didn't really prepare me for how awesome this book was going to be. The thing with The Narrows is just the quality, the writing is exceptional...Malfi does a phenomenal job of describing a small dying town and its hopeless complacent inhabitants and then he plunges them all into a deeply claustrophobic terror. It starts off as a coming of age story and ends up as a... more creature feature, never once losing its momentum, the slowly mounting dread, the sensation of the ground giving way (figuratively and literally in this case), the gradual slip into the blood sucking brain eating madness of it all. There is plenty of gore and suspense, but the strength of the book is really its strong narrative and sympathetic characters. Good to the last page, I enjoyed the epilogue as well, although I thought that the second part of it was a tad out of sync with the rest of the book. I can see how it worked, though. This was exactly the kind of can't put it down have to see what happens oh wow scary story that a genre fan hopes to find when opening a new book. Highly recommended.
review 2: A vampire book? Really? This book has all the elements of a fine small town horror stage, but it winds up becoming this strange mix of horror/science fiction. It fell flat for me. What made it a solid three stars are the characters. Very good development. I can appreciate the new take on the overworked vampire theme, but in my personal opinion it went a little too left field for it to be a keeper. All that said, I’m intrigued with this guy and plan to give his other writing a try. less
Reviews (see all)
Scared me pretty good. Had me worried to go out in the dark while I was reading it. Spooky read.
Well written, very suspenseful and incredibly creepy. Best thing I've read yet by Malfi.
Fantastic literary horror. Gorgeous prose, great story, and wonderful characterization.
Not here nor there. Flat dialogue with boring characters. Bleh…
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