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Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer On The Future Of PR, Marketing, And Advertising (2013)

by Ryan Holiday(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Absolutely fascinating read! Advances in technology allow a message to spread like wildfire in this day and age. Ironically though, consumers are bombarded by so much "noise" that they either become desensitized to marketing efforts or fail to act on them. So how do you reach that elusive audience? Spend more money promoting the product and hope the efforts stick somewhere, anywhere, even if it's somewhat later down the road? Not anymore. Now, you hire a growth hacker, an individual who thinks outside the box while operating close to the edge, someone who will draw in target buyers, bring attention to your product using limited resources and metrics and have word spread to others. Promotion is no longer a guessing game, provided you know your industry well and change your ... moremindset.
review 2: This book introduces you to the concept of growth hacking : how growth hackers are changing the rules of traditional marketing through subtle marketing and how low budget startups used growth hacking to take their business into something worth billion dollars! I loved this book because prior to reading it, I had zero idea on growth hacking and its crisp writing made it pretty easy to understand the subject. (Also, the size of the book is so less daunting!) less
Reviews (see all)
Very fast read, a nice primer for the uninitiated and a good reminder for the rest of us.
Im a big Ryan Holiday fan, but there isn't much substance here.
Nothing concrete in here.. Move on..
The most basic of introductions.
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