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The Uninvited Guests (2012)

by Sadie Jones(Favorite Author)
2.98 of 5 Votes: 2
0307402533 (ISBN13: 9780307402530)
Knopf Canada
review 1: I paid 50p in a charity shop for this book, and it wasn't worth it. I have to admit that I couldn't finish it, it was too dull and there was nothing in the characterisations that made me remotely interested in carrying on reading it. The characters are not likeable- who could treat people who has supposedly survived a train crash, in the way that this dreadfully peculiar family did? Leaving them all for hours in a room with a cup of tea whilst the family got on with their odd bod birthday party? (I know that the "survivors" were zombies, it was obvious from the beginning but the family didn't) , I couldn't get interested enough in the very obvious story to motivate myself to finish it.Maybe there was an exciting ending? But I just don't care. It's going back to the charity... more shop today, maybe someone else will enjoy it for 50p, and if not at least the charity will get another 50p.
review 2: I wish I could give this one and a half stars. I had no idea what I was reading--I was expecting to read one kind of story and got something wholly different, and in the end, all of the facets to this story were a serious disappointment.I didn't much care for the writing style, either. What is an "ironic dimple?" It didn't even fit in context. Why use "un-hearable," when "inaudible," or even "barely perceptible" makes much more sense? Ugh.I like weird stories, but this one just didn't have any bite to it, almost as if the author was simply rambling, didn't know what direction she wanted to go with it, and in the end, had such an anxious desire to be done with it, that she just wrapped it all up and left it. less
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An unexpected delight
Fiction J791u 2013
very odd!
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