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Mart Menekşeleri (2011)

by Sarah Jio(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: This is a good story. It is an engrossing story of a young 30'ish woman, Emily, whose husband has left her so she goes for a month to visit her aunt on Bainbridge Island. There is all kinds of mystery surrounding her aunt and her mother. Emily finds an old diary which she hopes will lead her to some answers. This is the debut novel for Sarah Jio. After 2 days of thinking about this book, I've decided that I don't like how there are too many unbelievable unanswered questions. Things like Emily hasn't worked in 8 years, she is still living off the royalties of her book and movie? Her debut novel hit it that big that she no longer worries about money at all? She is just out of her marriage and she is jumping into other mens arms? Isn't she smarter than that? And alt... morehough I enjoyed the surprise ending twist, which I won't reveal, the question still remains WHY? So all in all it was a good story but on closer examination it had too many holes for me.
review 2: This story begins when Emily Wilson sets out to Puget Sound to visit her Aunt Bee after she and her husband divorce due to his infidelity. She is devastated and intends to try to make sense of her life again. But wait . . .At her aunt's house Emily finds an old diary in the nightstand drawer next to her bed. There are people and events she reads about that sounds vaguely familiar. Her aunt doesn't want her to associate with certain people on the island. Years ago her mother and her aunt had a falling out but never found out why and neither of them will talk about it. Her aunt's friend Evelyn tells Emily that she will be the one to finally make everything right. She sees the same photograph of a beautiful woman in different homes on the island but nobody will talk about this mysterious woman. Emily continues to read the diary while she puts the pieces of the past together.Needless to say I couldn't put this book down until all these questions were answered. This book was definitely a page turner and one I read quickly. Definitely recommended for those liking a bit of mystery and past/present stories.How I acquired this book: Guessing Barnes & Noble earlier this year.Shelf life: Less than a year. less
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I liked this book. I think it ended too soon!
Good character and plot development
Great book....love her writing:)
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