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Door Of No Return (2011)

by Sarah Mussi(Favorite Author)
3.4 of 5 Votes: 4
Hodder Children's Books
review 1: The main characters of this book were Ashley, Raphael,and Zac. Ashley was Zac’s friend who he met when they were going through orphanages. Raphael was a long time friend that Zac knew from his childhood. The story is about Zac being the last living descendant of an African prince. The prince was sold into slavery but when the people who were loyal to the prince paid ransom to Great Britain they just took the money and ran leaving the prince to die. Now Zac is living proof that the British broke a promise of setting the prince free. Now the British spies are hunting Zac down so they won’t be found out about their lie about stealing the gold that the prince gave them. Zac has to go all the way to where everything started in a large slave base and pass through the ... moredoor of no return to get the missing gold. So then he can pay back all the losses that the British have caused. “I turned. No. It was not the heavens. It was not the earth aflame. It was the guns of the English. They were firing upon me and my brothers!” (p. 197) This shows how the British betrayed the prince and took the gold for themselves. The moral behind this book is “no matter what don’t give up in what you believe is right”. “Here I was, the last true descendant of King Baktu, about to step back through the door of no return.” (p.339) This is showing that after all this time Zac finally accomplished all of his goals. I think the author did a very good job with this book because when I was reading it I could not put it down. While reading this book I learned that if you lie about something it will eventually come back and be found out and cause more damage than just telling the truth. I believe anyone who likes a good story and likes reading should pick up this book because it is a suspenseful story that keeps you guessing why things are happening. I give this book 5/5 stars because it achieves everything that you would want in a book, like suspense, emotion, and a happy ending. I like history so the history in this book is enjoyable and interesting to me.
review 2: When I first read this book, I really didn't like it. I couldn't figure out why exactly, but the story slipped from my mind until about a year later, which is when I decided to give it another chance. That's when I figured out why I wasn't connecting to the story at all. I was reading this book as if the action was unfolding before me and Zac was relating it as it happened. Sort of like a third person present in past tense. That is not the way this book is supposed to be read. It disconnects you, because the premise of the story is Zac writing everything down after it happened for a trial. So, when I read it a second time, I read it as if Zac was right there in front of me, telling me this story, after it happened.Needless to say, I enjoyed it a lot more. I understood Zac's strange narration (impersonal, slang-heavy, and too much in his head) better the second time, because the author meant it to be like Zac trying to convince the courts to side with his case. Basically, it's a story about a story, and if you read it that way you will enjoy it a lot more. I sure did! less
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Read enough to write a review but way too slow moving for me. Maybe I'll go back one day...
This is a awesom book i loveit so much
i wanna go to africa!!
it awesome!
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