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Moonkind (2013)

by Sarah Prineas(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 2
0061921092 (ISBN13: 9780061921094)
review 1: 3.5Library had this audiobook; I didn't realize it was the third of the trilogy until I had read it (although I thought it seemed odd how much backstory there was).Anyway, good story. I liked the friendship between Fer and Rook and the others. Fer was dehydrated a couple days and only thought of her hunger and a little about her thirst. She should have been faint and dizzy and confused, but still she thought about her hunger. The stilth was a dull enemy. The end was okay.
review 2: I loved WINTERLING and SUMMERKIN, the first two books in Sarah Prineas's latest trilogy. They were fun takes on fae mythology, grounded by a heroine who refused to give up her trust in her friends. Thus I was ever-so-slightly disappointed by MOONKIND.Fer, the Lady of the Summe
... morerlands, and Rook, a puck, have been uneasy friends for two books. Mostly because Rook always puts his brothers first. But Fer's faith has always been rewarded. Thus it surprised me that once more Fer and Rook's relationship was put to the test -- it felt somewhat repetitive and not entirely true to the characters for me.But then I fell into the story and fell back in love. Fer's victory in SUMMERKIN has led to unexpected consequences and it's up to her to make it right. I really enjoyed the themes of responsibility, friendship, change, and ingenuity. Fer's humanity helps her shake things up, but the pucks are pretty good at that too.Thus, the beginning of MOONKIND put me off slightly, but it really is a terrific book and a terrific conclusion to the series. And as for the friendship being tested again . . . well, the stories have repeatedly emphasized how important it is when things happen thrice. less
Reviews (see all)
another awesome adventure. good series!
The ending left a smile on my face.
Very good1 im sad its over though
The book is soooooooo good!
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