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Living Nightmare (2010)

by Shannon K. Butcher(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 2
0451232372 (ISBN13: 9780451232373)
Sentinel Wars
review 1: Tak jo, to cekani stalo za to. Asi neni tajemstvi ze me tahle serie dost stvala a ze jsem si na ni podstatne hodne stezovala. Jedina vec, co me nutila cist dal, bylo to, ze autorka do hlavniho pribehu zapleta i vedlejsi a prave proto jsem vydrzela az sem, protoze me zajimalo, jak to dopadne s Nikou. Konecne normalni hrdinka, ktera nebyla na pest :D Jeste stejne nadsene cekam na 8, tak doufam, ze ty dily mezi timhle a 8 budou lepsi :X To tak na okraj.Na te serii me vadi hodne jen ten predpoklad, ze zena potrebuje muze, aby byla silna. To mi jednoduse nesedi. A take porad netusim, co si myslet o tom napadu, ze kdyz chlap neziska urcitou zenu jeho rasy, tak zemre. Jasne, super, zni to zajimave, jenze autorka to vytocila az do takovych obratek, ze to byva chvilema nechutne. My... moreslim, ze v dnesnim svete by zenskym dost vadilo, kdyby se o ni muzsky pretahovali jako o flak masa a snazili se ji jakoukoliv manipulaci ziskat. V tomhle dile to byl prvni hrdina, co byl skutecne uprimny a nevymyslel si nejaky bullshit.
review 2: 4.5stars reallyFans of the series will get huge emotional payoffs in this very busy installment as Nika & Madoc get to bottom of Nika's issues since the sgath took her blood and her sister years ago driving her almost insane. Also there are huge advances in the Madoc and Nike relationship as it moves to the level Nika has desired since their first meeting. Gloria's confessions ravage her familial relationships putting her and Angus on even shakier ground and cementing the animosity between Gloria Sybil and Maura when the depth of all she has done is revealed. Torr's changes upset the balance in his relationship with Grace. Now seems to be the appropriate time for the Band of Barren to come out of the shadows a bit and the Sanguinars have been very quietly busy with Project Lullaby which gets a subtle unveiling. While I sympathized with Nika's dilemma and liked her growth arc and really liked Madoc's tortured character, I had begun to cringe at her screeches and his growls each time their names appeared so I was glad for the resolution of their mating. The explanation for Zillah's plan is elegant in its nefariousness and simplicity. Possible dissention in the villains ranks should prove to be interesting going forward as will the new character, Jackie. I was also eager for the movement in the other threads with the known characters some of which I didn't realize I was invested in. Though I enjoyed the pacing for the majority of the book the ending felt a little full and a little rushed. This is a series that needs to be read in order as the mating dance for the lead couples seem to be complex and tend to play out over several books. Since the lead characters are already known and the activity is split between a few locations many threads can advance per installment. This world ebbs and flows very well and doesn't feel overfull with the huge cast and the well executed twists in each book help pump the anticipation up for the next installment. less
Reviews (see all)
3.5, but I'm feeling generous as it was exactly the sort of book I was in the mood for this weekend
interesting...but confusing since I didn't read the series in order...
Read in 2010, decent series. Will continue to read it.
I love it!!
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