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Willing Sacrifice (2014)

by Shannon K. Butcher(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
0451241118 (ISBN13: 9780451241115)
Sentinel Wars
review 1: I really, really wanted to like this book- because I like this world.However, I didn't. I'm not exactly sure why I didn't- other than I was tired of hearing about Grace and Torr's feelings. I guess I also missed the normal gang that we get to interact with when we're back in Dabyr. I'm not sure where we're going with this series- since we didn't leave whatever world Torr and Grace is in. What's going to happen next? Will I read the next in the series to find out? Yes, I will. Is this a standalone book? Usually with series, I would say no. But because the book didn't really deal with all that we're used to, I'm thinking you could probably get away with reading this book in itself. The downside to that? You wouldn't get to actually enjoy the past characters. The upside? You ... morewouldn't know what you were missing so you wouldn't necessarily be as disappointed in the book as me.This is definitely a book for those who like some paranormal in their romances.
review 2: adorei este livro, só não recebe as 5 estrelas por um pormenor tive pena de fosse o único livro da saga em que não revemos nenhum dos personagens antigos, e normal sabendo que este livro se passa noutro mundo mas podíamos ir tendo uns vislumbres dos outros personagens eu gostava. em relação a historia do torr e da grace, gostei que finalmente houvesse um theronai que não ficasse com uma da espécie dele, foi giro ve-lo a conquistar a grace de novo, foi lindo o final e a maneira como eles conseguem ficar de novo juntos. li esta serie toda desde o inicio do ano e agora que cheguei ao ultimo livro quero mais, quando sai o próximo? de quem e? estou super hiper mega curiosa com o nicholas e a tori (eles so podem ficar juntos) com o tynan e a lyca. quero um destes pares a seguir =D less
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Fan of the series have been waiting for the Grace and Torr book for a while. It didn't disappoint.
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