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Seduced By The Sultan (2014)

by Sharon Kendrick(Favorite Author)
3.28 of 5 Votes: 2
0373137095 (ISBN13: 9780373137091)
Desert Men of Qurhah
review 1: “You’re nothing but a rich man’s whore!”I picked this up because of that first line - I have a weakness for dramatic first lines. If you can capture my attention in that sentence, I will buy your book. Add into it the whole sheikh fantasy (and yeah I can be a sucker for that) and I gave in. This book, while dramatic, didn't live up to its potential and I had a really hard time buying into the HEA. Catrin, or Cat to Murat, is a Welsh lass who met and became involved with Murat years ago, but she is realizing that she’s lost a part of herself in being with him. Murat missed the feisty gal she used to be. By the time we enter the story, Cat has been his mistress for a few years and finally gets that she’s let herself be completely consumed by Murat and his wi... moreshes, changing everything about herself to please him. That is what intrigued me and what ultimately left me wanting - to be a mistress, take the stand and pull back is a great idea in theory, but I didn’t quite buy into Cat’s strength to pull it off. As a reader, I didn't feel like I'd really seen that feisty side of her, and when the story begins, she seemed to be so in love, so easily be consumed by him. I felt that Cat was meek - that's just her personality. Murat on the other hand, has a forceful personality (which you expect from a sheikh lol), but it completely overpowered Cat and I wasn’t able to completely buy into his love for her. All the right moves are made to get the characters to their HEA, but I didn’t feel it. It’s wrapped up nice and neat, but it’s such a messy premise I almost wished it hadn’t been. But, it’s an HQP, so that’s not going to happen.If you like HQP, you may enjoy it - I didn't hate it, I was just left wanting more.
review 2: Seduced by the Sultan explores how a hookup can turn into a romance. It's executed brilliantly.What I liked- the prose. It was engaging, intense and compelling.The heroine- she was ordinary, sweet but strong without being irritating. The hero- he was wealthy, alpha, powerful and a bit bad still a little saintly. He actually cried! Hope that won't be a trend:(The epilogue was a nice touch but I wish scenes of parenthood featured prominently.What I didn't like- the trashing of tradition. The heroine embraced being modern and was hurt by it. Her being a mistress didn't leave her in a secure relationship.Overall this was an engaging read. less
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loved it .. it was heart warming to see the sultan change the law so thy they can be together ..
This as book was boring and just ugh! I gave it a star for the cute ending.
received 4 1/2 stars @ RT Book ReviewsMiniseries: Desert Men of Qurhah
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