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The Life Ready Woman: Thriving In A Do-It-All World (2011)

by Shaunti Feldhahn(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 2
1433671123 (ISBN13: 9781433671128)
B&H Books
review 1: It's been a couple of years since I read this book, but I love, love, love this book! I want to read it again because it is timeless. The first revelation I had when reading this book was, "You mean I don't have to do it all? I can choose not to do things?" What a burden lifted from my heart! Also being aware that their are seasons for everything in a woman's life and having those seasons spelled out is a wonderful guide. I'm going to suggest this for our next women's Bible study.
review 2: Really enjoyed this book. Pastor and author teamed up to provide practical advice for women today. Gave some overarching themes that they feel apply to all women, but provide freedom on how each women needs to implement them. Included real life examples, and advice for di
... morefferent seasons of life. With all the choices afforded women these days, it was a nice book to read to find some help in boiling down how to make best choices. less
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This book is so good. Appropriate to any woman in ANY stage of life, I highly recommend it.
I know I read this. Sometime in 2011?Mixed feelings about it.
This was an eight-week study.
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