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Darkmoon (2013)

by S.M. Reine(Favorite Author)
2.64 of 5 Votes: 2
Red Iris Books
Seasons of the Moon: Cain Chronicles
review 1: When it comes to books in this series, or any other book by this author I could ramble on and on and on… It’s pretty much guaranteed that if I pick up a book by S.M. Reine, it won’t get put down unless I absolutely have no choice. Darkmoon was definitely no exception. I think out of all the books in the Seasons of the Moon: Cain Chronicles series, this one is my favorite.Darkmoon starts where Red Rose Moon left off. In total and utter chaos… both physical and emotional. I’m not even really sure where to start. Up until this series I really didn’t like Abel. He’s grown on me though and in this book my heart broke for all three of them. I know that a lot of readers don’t like love triangles. I can take or leave them, depending on how they’re written. I gues... mores it’s no surprise that I’m going to tell you that S.M. Reine writes it well. Rylie’s love for both Seth and Abel is beyond complicated. Her human heart chose Seth, but her wolf chose Abel. There’s a lot more to it than that, but that’s the ‘cliff notes’ version.I think one of the things that I liked most about Darkmoon was that it’s now obvious that the ground is being laid for Reine’s Seasons of the Moon and Descent series to become intertwined. James played a prominent role in Darkmoon and I loved the interactions he had with the characters. It just reinforced the fact that once I’m finished playing catch up with this series and Descent, I’m going to have to start the Ascension series all over again.Darkmoon was also the longest book in the Cain Chronicles so far. A lot happened. A lot that I saw coming and a lot that I didn’t expect. There were twists and turns and hints to the future that I now wonder if I would have picked up on if I had read the books in order. Hind sight is 20/20 so I doubt it. The stakes are higher, more lives are in danger and new threats are revealed. And for the record, S.M. Reine has no problem at all breaking her characters in two – and taking her readers down right along with them.Of Wings and Wolves is next and I’m extremely glad that I have it ready and waiting. There’s still a lot to settle and the next book promises to fill in the blanks. I can’t really tell you what blanks those are, but I can tell you (again) that if you haven’t picked this series up yet, you really need to fix that.
review 2: An interesting continuation of this story. The ending really surprised me, and then got me all kinds of excited for the next book. From what I understand it's not the same series, but a new one, but I'm not sure. My only issue is that at some point, one of there werewolves is explaining how they were turned, and they say it was their sister. Then Rylie says sorry about your girlfriend... I feel this was something missed in the editing process. But aside from this, I wasn't distracted by any grammar errors and I was able to enjoy the continuation of this story! less
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Awesome series! Loved how it "ended". I am really glad there is a spin off.
loved it!
Book 5
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